06:Ninja Parents

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Author's POV
The Cunningham twins are talking to their parents about what happened with Howard. The two women gained annoyed faces at how Rachelle was talked to and treated. The four didn't notice that two red heads were listening in on their conversation. Both boys seemed to be seething with rage as they listened to the story. Once the conversation was over the redheads walk in like they just came. "Oh Tengu! Want to practice or mediate?" Rachelle asked as she hugs the tall male. Tengu looks down at her with a small smile and nods. "Sure that sounds good. Though we need to talk with your parents alone." Randy drags Rachelle out the room for them to talk. "So we were wondering if you two wanted to try fighting a robot attack when McFist tries something again?" Nomi said when they made sure the purple haired twins were upstairs. "Really?!" Ruby asked very excited. Her wife watches her with a big smile. "We believe you two are ready for it and we made you some suits." Tengu said hand both women a box.

In the Cunningham household everyone is gathered around the tv. Listening to the gossip blog. 'I believe everyone saw this today but their are more ninjas!!! Today at our usual robot attacks two more ninja appeared to help the rest. By the looks of them they are women. So we have three female ninjas and three male ones. We have our work cut out for us if we want to know who they are behind their masks. This is Heidi signing out.' We all look at each other chucking as we remember McFist's face when two more ninjas popped up. We had a blast fight those robots. This family is  going rule this town.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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