◊Chapter Eleven◊

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 Chapter Eleven: Regimen //June 27th, 2019 ​

After what seems like forever of a drive, we finally get to Runyon Canyon

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After what seems like forever of a drive, we finally get to Runyon Canyon. Best place to hike but never really have time to do it, now I guess it's gonna become part of my routine.

There are so many people here and everyone is taking photos of Justin, Patrick and I as we climb up the mountain.

"So are you okay? You know from earlier?" Justin asks

"Yeah I guess, I mean I'm still a little pissed off he brought it up but right now more than anything I want Isa'Bellah"

"Is that her name?"

"Yeah Isabellah Jade"

"I like it how'd you pick it?" He asks

"My cousin Naomi's middle name is Jade and his sister's name is Isa'Bellah"

"Oh does he see her?" He inquires

I shake my head no

"But his family sees her on holidays and birthdays. When we come around, he leaves"

"Wow what a dick" He spats "Does she know he's her dad?"

"Nope, she used to think it was Brandon but I nipped that in bud"

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because Brandon never liked the fact that I kept her, he said she ruined part of our relationship because at first we couldn't have sex since I was pregnant then we couldn't have sex because Isa'Bellah needed me."

"But he stayed?" He asks confused

"That's what I thought until he cheated on me and we broke up"

"How long ago was that?" He asks

"A few months and I thought it'd be different because I no longer had Isa'Bellah but now I know why our relationship was never the same after that night." I sniff

"Hey" He soothes placing a hand on my shoulder "It's gonna be okay. I won't let him hurt you or Isa'Bellah anymore okay?"

"Thanks Justin you really are a good friend and boss" I chuckle softly

He shakes his head "Not boss, just friend. From here on out we're friends"

"But I work for you" I say confused

"True but I'll make it so it doesn't seem like working just fun. And when we go get Isabellah we'll take her shopping for stuff to wear in Europe and then once we get to Miami we'll take her to Universal and SeaWorld and Disney."

"Justin you don't have to do that really it's okay"

"Oh trust even if we didn't have Isabellah with us we'd still be going because I love those places"

I start laughing at how much of a kid he is. Even at 25 years old, he still enjoys little kid things. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited, I've never been to those places so to experience them with my daughter and Justin will be amazing.

I can't wait for Bellah to be with us. I can't wait to see how she reacts to Justin and how he acts towards her.

"Hey, hey, stand right there?" Justin says


"The sunset and you it's perfect"

He pulls out his phone and to take a picture of me but I look like shit. My eyes are puffy from crying my face is slightly swollen from crying, my hair is in a messy bun and just no

 My eyes are puffy from crying my face is slightly swollen from crying, my hair is in a messy bun and just no

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"Justin...." I hide my face "Stop I look like shit"

"No you don't, stop hiding you look fine" He says stepping closer to me and moving my hands

"No seriously"

"No seriously, you look beautiful now lemme take it. I'm not gonna show anyone"

Dropping my hands in defeat, I put up the peace sign and made a cute face. Well I try to anyway and he took the shot.

"There see beautiful." He says staring at his phone with a smile.

It's really weird that he's acting like this. I mean I've never had a guy other than Brandon gush over me and I kind of like it. I know people would say you can't fall for your 'boss' but I think Justin is becoming more than that he's becoming more of a friend than anything. I'd like to keep him around for a long time if not forever

 I'd like to keep him around for a long time if not forever

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She just has no idea how beautiful she is. But even more she has no idea how much I like her. I can't wait to meet Isa'Bellah, I'm gonna be the father she's never had.


Super short filler

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Super short filler...More Tomorrow

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