he's sick

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[ just pretend that the werewolves can get sick ]

[ s c o t t ]
- scott won't let you go near him because he doesn't want to get you sick
- you respect his decision because even though he's sick, he's stubborn as hell
- you two facetime everyday and you bring melissa the stuff he needs for school
- even though he won't let you go near him, he turns into a baby

[ s t i l e s ]
- he's such a baby
- he will ask you to come over and take care of him because his dad is busy
- you make him tea, cook him some food and make sure that he takes his medicine
- he always wants to cuddle you but you refuse because you don't want to get sick as well
- you bought him a stuffed animal which he can cuddle when he's sick

[ d e r e k ]
- he won't admit that he's sick
- "derek, you have a high fever"
- "no, that's natural"
- "derek, you're hot but not that hot"
- he eventually gives in
- you make a bath for him, cook some soup, make tea, get his medicine etc.

[ i s a a c ]
- isaac will make a joke out of it
- he starts coughing at you ( excuse me mister, social distancing )
- you get so annoyed at him and threaten to leave
- "no, y/n don't leave me!"
- "then stop acting like a child"
- "..."
- "isaac!"
- *coughs on purpose*

[ l i a m ]
- tHE grumpy baby
- he doesn't want you to take care of him but you can't really take him serious
- you make him stay in bed all day
- he literally gets angry at you
- "ugh, stop it!"
- "stop what?"
- "just stop already"

[ t h e o ]
- he won't admit it until it's rEALLY bad
- you get mad at him for not doing what he was told to do
- he actually does it on purpose so you take care of him
- he still doesn't want to cuddle you because he wants you around but doesn't want you to get sick
- "theo, please. i just want a little kiss"
- "i don't want to get you sick, babygirl"

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