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 **Alex POV**

"Echo's Cave? Again? Isn't there any other place Pan can think of in order to hide Lottie?" Hook remarked. I had just finished explaining what I learned from Felix to the rest of the eager group. We were standing in a circle in the clearing we made for camp.

"That is true Hook. I was wondering the same thing." Emma replied looking up at him. Hook seemed pleased. I coughed to break the thought.

"Yes there are in fact over a hundred other places Pan could have hid my daughter but alas he chose Echo's Cave to screw with all of you guys." I replied sitting on one of the stump chairs. Snow walked in at that moment with water from her poach and handed it to me.

"Thanks" I murmured to her and she smiled down at me.

"You seem young for your age. How old are you?" Snow asked. I looked up at her slightly shocked but thankfully before I could answer Charming coughed shutting the idea up.

"Why do you think Pan is trying to screw with us just by using the cave as a hiding place for your daughter?" Emma asked sitting down next to me. I shrugged.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked. Everyone shook their head. I sighed and put my hand to my head for a moment and mumbled to myself about how lucky I was to get involved with the stupid family. Thankfully no one heard.

"Well by guessing and my guesses are normally right so really it’s the truth, Pan believes that you all relay on my daughter to get to your son Hugo...." "His name is Henry!" Regina cut in.

"Right." I continued. "Anyway Henley.." "Henry." Regina cut in again. I stared daggers at that woman.

"Right. Thank you Miss. Know-it-All on your input." I replied rather annoyed. Regina gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway your son, whatever his name is, knew my daughter since they were both together at one point right?" I asked. Jack nodded.

"Yeah she was a lost girl." Jack commented. I looked at him for a moment slightly shocked.

"Lost girl? My daughter was a lost girl?" I exclaimed. Jack looked at me surprised.

"Well yeah, what did you think she did here? Hang out with these guys the whole time and then surprisingly see Pan once and happen to piss him off?" Jack asked. I was quiet for a moment which pretty much answered the question for me. Yes I did think my daughter was with the group the whole time and with her talent of annoying people which she hopefully gained from me, I would have thought it would have been super easy to piss off Pan. Pretty much anyone can do it. He is such a control freak after all.

Hook coughed, waking me from my mind thoughts.

"So what about your daughter and Pan?" Hook asked, trying to continue the story. I nodded understanding what he meant.

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