A Distraction

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**Lottie POV**

"Mother! Are you insane? He is going to find out and then he will come here because oh my god you don't have a necklace from those mermaids! Here take mine, I don't need it anymore anyway.."

"Lottie. Shut up." Mom said in an emotionless tone. I froze and sat down on the ground.

"First off, I do not need that necklace because I want Pan to know where I am twenty four seven." She started. I looked up at her confused.

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked. She smiled.

"Well think about it. If you had a worst enemy like myself and you were a control freak like Pan and you just found out, after building all these fancy plans, that this nightmare of a villain is back and that she is here to cause trouble. What would you do?" She asked eyeing me. I shrugged.

"I would panic I guess and try to get rid of her." I replied, saying what was on the top of my head. Mom nodded.

"Exactly. Now in order to find a way to get rid of said nightmare, what does Pan have to do?" She asked.

"Impale her daughter with a knife." I replied nonchalantly. Mom flinched.

"Other than that." I shrugged again.

"I don't know. You're pretty stubborn when it comes to being ordered around." I replied. Mom snapped her fingers.

"Exactly. With Pan finally knowing that I am around again, he has a whole other problem on his plate which means he has to be thinking of how to get rid of me. By doing that, he is turning a blind eye to certain things. Maybe becoming clumsier over more important jobs then just you or me." She replied. I smiled, starting to understand her plan.

"So you are making a diversion." I replied. Mom chuckled as she leaned her head on the wall.

"I've always been the diversion. I am the perfect diversion to ever walk these paths. Pan hates my guts because I keep screwing up his plans and you want to know what happens when someone screws up a control freaks plan?" She asked.

"He impales that person's daughter with a knife." I replied. Mom gave me a glare.

"Stop bringing that up. I'll make him suffer for that in my own time. But what does happen is that everything around him breaks. He loses his grip on things."

"Oh so it's just like Regina George in Mean Girls." I replied. Mom gave me a strange look before nodding slowly.

"Yes.. Strangely there is a small connection there somewhere."

"Okay then. We know who his minions are but who is his eye candy?" I said jokingly. Moms face was unreadable. A bad feeling went into my stomach then as I looked at my mother.

"Pan.. Pan doesn't like you right?" I asked hesitantly. My mother's eyes flashed and I flinched slightly.

"Sorry just asking." I replied quickly before she could respond. Mom rolled her eyes and then looked at the fire.

"I wonder..." She muttered; flipping the picture of henry in her hand as she looked intently at the fire.

"What Mom?" I asked confused. She seemed to snap back into reality and looked up at me.

"Listen carefully Lottie. I need you to go save Henry before Pan gets to him. He is going to try and take him to skull island in no time which means you have to get there before he takes him there. I have a feeling that he will put a spell on the island once they are both on it to hold us out." She stated as she continued to flip the photo in her hand quickly.

"I don't even know where he is. And plus what do I do once I have him?" I asked fearfully. Mom looked at me surprised.

"He is at footfall. It is that big waterfall by the mermaid lagoon. There must be a cave there somewhere that they have him in. As for where to place him, bring him back to the group. They should be by Tinkerbelle's tree house now. Last I saw they are thinking of storming the lost boy camp." Mom added. I looked at her confused.

"They are going to try and do that? DO they even know where the camp is?" I asked confused. Mom shrugged.

"I think they found it by accident or Tink told them. Either way that is their plan but right now you have your task and I have mine." She finished.

"What's your task?" I asked quizzically. Mom stopped spinning the picture in her hand and smiled up at me.

"I'm the distraction. Remember? Now go. And Lottie promise me one thing." Mom stated looking at me with big eyes. I looked at her confused.

"Don't try to come and rescue me. No matter what state I am in. Will you promise me that?" She asked looking at me unsurely. My confusion worsened.

"Mom.. what exactly are you going to do as a distraction?" I asked carefully. Mom held up the picture again.

"I'm going to use this bad boy right here to get Pan's attention of course. Which means you have a clear path of Henry. But you must hurry before he turns his head again and gets to the cave." She replied seriously. I nodded.

"Yes mom. I will." I replied. She held up her pinky and hooked on to it with my own and we shook on it.

"Get out of here now. You need as much distance away from me as possible." She replied. I stood up and walked to the edge of the cave. It was still light but a shadow filled the air making me feel like I was being watched. I looked back one last time at my mother and nodded. Then I disappeared out into the forest.

**Alex POV**

I waited ten minutes or at least what I believed to be ten minutes. I spent the time examining the drawing of Henry and smiled.

He looked similar to Sammy at home. The only difference was Sammy had lighter eyes and a look of mischief on his face. Henry looked more like a confused boy who knew too much for his own good. I silently cursed myself for being the reason for Pan to look for this boy so early in time when he could possibly not needed the boy for another contrary or so.

I could still remember breaking the glass of the casing of sand. It was such a good feeling and Pan's reaction was a nice bonus. But even those two thoughts couldn't get that sense of dread out of my stomach.

Finally after what felt like ten minutes, I walked back over to the fire that was starting slowly to burn out. I took one last look at the picture of the boy and then threw the picture into the fire. Once the fire licked the picture there was a loud cry that filled the island and black smoke filled the cave as it echoed. I grabbed my knife quickly but I was not fast enough because in a flash someone was pinning me to the ground with a knife to my neck.

"You..dare do that Alex." I looked up at the flashing green eyes and smiled.

"Hello Pan."

Hello Everyone!

Sorry for taking so long to post a new chapter. School is being annoying again but thankfully I have less then a month left of school pretty much. So once school ends I will have lots of time to write. But don't worry I am still going to write during this last month of school. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter even if it is really boring. The next chapter will be a fun one don't worry :)

Lots of Love


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