My neighbor is a 18 year old "famewhore" kid who does dangerous stunts for fame and attention. It kinda pisses me off honestly. I see him everyday doing stunts and making a ton of noise because he's "hyping" it up too much? I don't know that's how he explained it. One day he asked me to get all of his mail because he was gonna be out of town for a couple days. I agreed cause that would mean a little peace and quiet for me while he was out bugging other people at a different place. The next day, I checked his mailbox and got his mail. It was the usual stuff. Bills, fan mail, and the like. Later that afternoon, a box came in for him. It was quite heavy and just seemed odd. I kinda wanted to take a peek but I'm not the type of person to snoop around someone else's stuff. I lifted the box which was heavier than I anticipated. I thought about bringing the package inside my house but I just decided to put it in my garage. It was empty and it was easier to get the package out because the garage's door is bigger. When I was about to put it in the garage, I forgot about how my garage door was kinda hard to open because it needed a little grease. It's okay though. I proceeded to click the button that would open the garage door. There was this light creeking sound that was obnoxious, because like I said, the door needed some grease. So I waited for the door to completely open then I lifted the box and then I accidentaly dropped it. "Oops." I said to myself. The box made quite the thud when it hit the floor. "I'm just gonna tell him that it came in already damaged." I said to myself. I was just gonna tell him the the shipping company probably had an accident with the box. I closed my garage door and it made that creeking sound again. "Oh well. It's not that annoying." I said to myself. Then I just went in my house and proceeded to go about my day as usual. 3 days had passed and I hadn't went to my garage in that time period. But there was a funky smell coming from it so I decided to go check. When I opened the door, the smell kicked me in the face like a horse preparing to gallop. It was SOOOO unbeaearable. I swear to God, it was so unbearable. The stench was officially too much for me to handle. So I assumed it came from the package. I grabbed my gloves, a face mask, and the strongest cleaner we had. It was practically bleach but you know. When I walked in, I got my cutter and opened the box. I assumed it was one of those "meat of the month" packages. Cause I had no other explanation for the odor. When I opened the box, I was in shock. It was meat. Just not from a cow, pig, or any type of animal for that matter. It was my neighbor. My neighbor's decaying body was in the box. I didn't understand what was happening. I called 911 and then they kept me in interrogation for a while. They began to suspect that I murdered my neighbor so they kept me in there for longer. Luckily, my neighbor was filming the entire time like the true vlogger he is. Apparently, he was doing the "Human Mail" challenge. He was gonna mail himself to his house. He filmed even the moment wherein he was gonna go in the box. He didn't cut the camera or anything. The end of the video was the moment wherein the camera just cut due to either the memory card being full or the camera was out of battery. My neighbor wasn't murdered or anything. He died due to his neck being broken. There was this one part of the video where we can see that as he was about to talk into the camera, his head shakes. And then, his neck snaps. Instantly killing him due to the impact. They let me go because I had proof that I didn't kill him. But, there was one thing I didn't tell the cops that kept me wondering to this day. As his neck snaps, I hear an oddly familiar creeking sound just like the one from my... garage?
did I just accidentally kill my annoying neighbor?