Daddy Issues

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Everywhere I went I felt eyes on me. They stayed completely focused on me, burning holes into my skin. Never could I shake the feeling that something was watching me, waiting. This fact had kept me awake on many occasions. Although, on some occasions, if I would turn fast enough or flick my eyes over at the right time, I could see a plethora of black eyes glinting in a shade darker than the harsh night.

            So, I continued to walk uneasily past the forest to get back to my house. Although, I somehow knew that tonight was different. Instead of a few pairs of eyes tearing into me it seemed as if millions followed my every move.

            Soon, after the alarmingly loud sound of my footsteps on the pavement, I sped up my gait. Thuds alerted me to the sound of my pursuiters chasing me. I ran to my house with all of my energy, not allowing these things to catch me. They were cruel beasts that would not think twice of killing anyone.

            My house finally came into view, but before I could step onto the safe area of the front porch a pair of arms grabbed me, and I was flung away from my safe haven. Looking up I saw a sea of predatory eyes staring at me.

            Carefully, I had dragged myself off of the ground and stood as tall as I could. Slowly I met the gaze of every one of the evil monsters before me. The leader walked through the crowd as they parted. The man seemed to emanate a malicious power.

            "Nice to see you, father," I spat out the sentence venomously.  

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