Chapter 3

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                      ~On Earthland~

It's been four days since Lucy has vanished into thin air.Everyone in the guild was depressed but Lisanna was happy that Lucy was gone.

Natsu always paid the rent for Lucy's apartment.He only went on jobs but didnt go back to the guild.

He was more depressed than everyone in the guild.Levy found out that Lucy was perhaps in another dimension.

Erza couldn't believe that Lucy was gone.Wendy didnt talk to anyone except Levy.

       ~With Small trunks and Goten~

"Did you sense that weird type of energy,"Trunks asked.

Goten said yes and they flew off to find the energy and saw Piccolo,Gohan and Krillin going to the same direction.

They asked if they also felt that weird energy and they said yes.They all flew to the direction of Goku and Vegeta.

                       ~Lucy's Pov~

I was confused about everything but eventually J understood.I was kinda scared of Goku and Vegeta but Goku was kind to me while Vegeta just ignored me.

I see 5 people flying towards us and I kept my guard up just in case.

"Hey,Goten,Trunks,"Goku said to them and they all said hey and asked who I was.I was starting to get nervous.

Someone put a hand on my shoulder.I looked who it was.It was guy who looked like Goku but his hair was up and all spiky.

I got even more nervous about these people."Its okay we wont hurt you,oh by the way my name is Gohan,"Gohan said."M-my name is Lucy,Lucy Heartfilia,"I said.

"Nice to meet you Lucy Heartfilia,"he said."You too,"I said
They all introduced themselves.

I was less nervous now but still nervous.When I looked at Goku and Vegeta they reminded me of Natsu and Gray.I put a sad smile on my face.

Gohan noticed this and asked me if I  was ok."Its just that Goku and Vegeta remind me of two people,"I said.

Gohan dropped the subject so that he couldn't sadden me anymore.

          ~With Whis and Beerus~

"Whis do you think I should destroy her,"Beerus asked."No,"Whis said.

"Why,"he asked."I want to learn more  about this girl,"Whis answered. "Fine,"Beerus said with a sigh

                      ~Lucy's pov~

I was starting to getfond of this world.I met Bulma and the others.Bulma let me stay at her place since I had nowhere to stay.

I was sitting on my bed with a picture of Fairy Tail in my hand.I remembered that Erza gave me a lacrima.

I took it out and turned it on.I saw Levy and the others and saw the guild was filled with papers.

"What the hell is going on,"I said.

Everyone turned to me and started crying,they all rushed to the lacrima and asked if I was okay,at that moment Goku walked in my room and saw the lacrima.

"Goku"I said."Oh hey Lucy I just wanted to check up on you,"He said.He then saw the Fairy Tail wizards.

Everyone asked who he was and started just saying questions."First of all I'm in another Dimension,Second of all this is Goku,and third of all I want to see Wendy and Levy,"I said to them.

They called Levy and Wendy they came rushing downstairs and saw me.Levy and Wendy started crying and told me that they missed me.

I was also starting to cry.Then Natsu came.I got angry when I saw.Natsu started apologising.

"Why?,"I said with my hair shadowing over my eyes."Why what,"Natsu asked."Why did you ditch me when I wanted to only go on a job with you,"I asked.I saw Natsu having a guilty  face on.

"You broke my heart Natsu,I used to have feelings for you but I only know now that they are fake,"I said."I also like you,Lucy,"Natsu said while crying.

"You lost my trust Natsu and I'm not being your friend anymore,"I said.

Natsu started crying even more.Levy pushed Natsu away and started talking to me."Lu-Chan,are you okay,"she asked."I'm fine,Levy-Chan,"I said.

"I might be here for long,"I said.I saw that Goku was long gone.I said my goodbyes and switched off the lacrima and went outside.

"Lucy do you want to spar,"Goku asked.
"No thanks Goku,I'm weak anyway,"I said.

Goku had a dumbfounded look on his face.Suddenly Whis and Beerus appeared out of thin air.

"Miss Lucy if you like I could train you I'd you want,"Whis said.I was taking a long time to decide about this and told Whis that I will decide later.

"Okay,"Whi said.I left to get some fresh air since I  wanted to get to clean my mind of what happened at Fairy Tail and the new people who sI met in this world.

While I was  thinking that I didnt know that Trunks and Goten sneaked up on me.

"Boo,"they said and I Jumped 5 five in the air.I turned around and saw Goten and Trunks.

I got a tic mark on my head and chased after them but they flew away.

I looked at them with shock to see them flying.How are they doing that?

           ~Meanwhile at the guild~

Levy stayed up late nights not bothering to eat or sleep,she just researched ways to get Lucy back to their world.

Natsu didnt fight with Gray because he felt lonely that Lucy wasnt with him.He wanted to see her smile.

He started crying.Gray came out and saw Natsu crying and tried to reassure Natsu that Lucy will come back and they could make up.

Gray on the other hand was also sad that Lucy wasnt with him,he missed her and he felt uncomfortable while he calmed Natsu down.

Wendy was still angry at Natsu for what he did.Erza spoke to noone and just sat to eat and went back to her room.

The whole Guild was depressed and they really couldn't stand the feeling that Lucy is gone and they might not ever get her back.

Jellal just burst through the door and saw how everyone was acting.

He asked Erza what happened she told him everything and he also felt sad but he helped researching with Levy.

Jellal told Levy to take a rest since she didnt sleep or eat for a while.Levy wanted to argue but she knew that she was gonna win this fight.

So she just left it and went to sleep but couldn't sleep because of how worried she was she just tosses and turned.

The next day came and Levy had a fever.Wendy came to her and healed her she said thanks and got up but Jellal said she must just stay in bed for the whole day.

She stayed in bed and she finally fell asleep.Natsu was still sad but went on jobs with Happy.

Natsu stopped hanging out with Lissana because of Lucy.

This made Lissana sad and angry,but she couldn't bring herself to kill Lucy since she didnt like killing.

                      ~Lucy's Pov~

I went to take a walk late at night to clear my mind since I had trouble sleeping.

I was still deciding whether or not I must train with Whis,I finally decided that I was going to train so that I could get more stronger and help people when they are in trouble.

(Author:Thanks guys for reading this,I hoped you liked this chapter.I might stop writing but I will probably write everyday I promise)

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