Chapter 2

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           -Meanwhile with Natsu-

Nastu was looking for Lucy and trying to pick up her scent, after a few moment he finally picked up her scent and then asked happy to go at max speed.

Happy then went at max speed.They arrived at a island a few minutes later.

He sniffed around and picked up her scent near someomes house,he went there but Lucy was nowhere to be seen. He asked the people if they saw her  they said yes.

"She went to back to the guild,"They said.

Natsu got angry.He sniffed but couldn't pick up her scent anymore.

He then asked the people if something happened."A portal like thing opened up in the Sky and everything got sucked in,"they said.

Natsu felt anger,he was angry at himself for not being able to protect Lucy.

  -Meanwhile with Levy and Wendy-

Levy was asking everyone in town about Lucy they said they didnt see her.Wendy asked Mira which returned from a cake shop.

She told Wendy about the job lucy took.Wendy told Levy and they went to look for Lucy.

They took a boat and went to the island.Hours passed until they finally arrived."We finally made it and jumped out of the boat,"Levy said.

They asked the people and told then about the portal and the pink spiked haired who was here.

Levy and Wendy were taken by surprise that Natsu was also here.They then realised what they said about the portal and was sad about Lucy.

"We are they were gonna find Lu-chan,"Levy said to Wendy.So Levy did research on all the books she could find about portals.

Wendy was just thinking what happened to her."Its my fault,"Wendy sauid."Wendy it's not your fault,"Levy said.

"We will find Lu-chan eventually,"Levy said"We will,"Wendy said while nodding.Wendy was just worried but calmed down.

                     ~Lucy's Pov~

Goku was battling Vegeta and whis and beerus was watching them  then suddenly they heard a big explosion.

They followed the noise  and saw a crater.They looked inside and saw there was a girl with blonde hair and pale skin.

"Where am I,"I asked.I stood up.Goku and Vegeta into their battle stances.

I checked to see if my keys was with me I sighed in relief and looked up and saw 2 men wearing weird clothes.

She started walking to them,the two men got into a stance."Ano,do you know where I am,"I asked the two men.

They looked at each other and looked back at her and got out of their stances.

I was thinking must I summon Virgo and ask because they are not saying anything.I took my key out and said,"Summon of the maiden,Virgo."

"Punishment Princess?,"Virgo asked."NO,"I said.I asked Virgo where I was,Virgo told me that she didnt know.

"Okay,"I said and then Virgo dissapeared.I looked at the 1 man's jaw was open while the other one was surprised with curiosity in his eyes.

I spoke up and said,"Hello".They just stared at me.I said once more in a annoyed tone,"Hello".

"Hey,"the one said with a goofy grin and the other one just looked away.I asked where I  was.They said that I am  in universe 7.

"What is that,"I asked.They looked dumbfounded at me and just explained.

Two people came out of the sky.I  just looked at them dumbfounded until I  realised I wasnt in my world.

I started panicking."I cant see Wendy-San and Levy-chan,"I said while mumbling.Loke came out of his gate and started calming down Lucy.

L"I dont want to do,"I said while looking at Loke.Loke looked calm but I knew inside he felt worried."calm down Lucy,"Loke said.

I finally calmed and down and looked at Loke and said,"thank you Loke"."No problem,"he said."Lucy,instead of saying thanks can I-,"he said but I  interrupted him."Force gate closure,"I said.

"That was close,"I said.I saw the other man in thought.

The blue man looked at me."Ma'am,"he said."My name is Lucy,Lucy Heartfilia,"I said."Im Whis.Miss Lucy what type of energy do you use,"Whis asked."What's energy,"I asked.

He looked at me dumbfounded. He explained to me what energy is."I dont use energy I use magic/ethernano,"I said.

"Magic?,"Whis asked.She explained what magic is."Miss Lucy can you please demonstrate your magic then,"he asked."Of course,"I said.

I looked for water and found water I put my key in and said,"Summoning of the water bearer,Aquarias".Aquarias appeared,everyone looked at what I just summoned.

Aquarias looked at me with a glare"Why did you summon me,"she shouted at me.I felt fear well up inside me."Sorry,"I said quietly.

"What was that,"she shouted."SORRY,"I shouted.Aquarias looked at me."I'm going back to have a date with Scorpia,you wont have a boyfriend with that clothes,"she said.I blushed and looked away.

Aquarias disappeared.Whis looked at me."Soo you can summon spirits from another world,"he asked."Yep,"I said."Vegeta isnt she strong I would like to battle her,"the one who had a goofy grin on earlier said.

"That's the first thing you think Kakarot,"Vegeta said.Kakarot rubbed the back of his head while having a goofy grin on his face.

"Um,may I ask who are you guys?,"I asked."Oh I'm Goku and that's Vegeta and Whis and Beerus,"Goku said pointing at everyone."Nice tomeet you,"I said.Goku saw a mark on the mark on my hand and asked what it is.

"Its my family,"I said while skiling sadly."Oh,who's your family,"Goju asked."Kakarot cant you take a hint that's she's sad,"Vegeta said.

"Oops my bad,"he replied.This made Vegeta sweat drop."Fine I'll tell you where I come from and what happened," I said and told them everything.

I saw Goku getting  angry how my guild mates treated me.He punched the ground and said,"how could they do such a thing".

I smiled sadly."Its fine Goku,"I said."This also happened before I joined Fairy Tail,"I said."What,"I said.I told them about my father this made Goku even more angry than before.

He clenched his fists to hear that my own Father was rude to me and abused me."Its fine Goku at least  I dont get to see that jerk,Natsu for now,"I said.
"Okay,"Goku said and calmed down

(Author:Guys tell me what you think of this chapter because I dont think that its good,but oh well it's fine.Thanks guys and please vote.)

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