Say You Won't Let Go

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It wasn't your smartest idea, but you chose to go to a party tonight; it was more crowded than you imagined it would be.  There were people in every room and even scattered around the backyard.

You and your best friend danced the night away, all the while getting extremely wasted. There came a point when your best friend had spun you around too much and you were on the verge of puking.

Running to the bathroom, you quickly emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet.

What you had failed to realise is that there was someone in the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" they asked, kneeling next to you.

You nodded gently, before puking again. You quickly shook your head.

"Here," he said. He ran his hands through your hair, collecting it and holding it over your head. "That's easier."

"Thanks," you muttered, unable to put any more energy into it.

You finally stopped heaving and you sat back, wiping your mouth off with some toilet paper. You gave the stranger a weak smile as you began to recover.

"Was it the drinks?" he asked as you flushed the toilet.

You nodded. "I think so. My friend spun me around for a while, so that didn't exactly mix well."

He chuckled. "I'm Asa, by the way," he said as you washed your hands.

"I'm y/n," you replied. "Sorry for walking in on you. I didn't even realise that you were in here."

"It was my mistake, I left the door unlocked."

"That is a mistake," you said, laughing. "Imagine if it had been a couple that was getting busy. You'd be screwed."

"Well, I'm thankful it was only you then," he smiled.

You nodded.

"Do you need a ride home?" he asked. "I don't think you can drive in your state."

"I could use a ride," you said, smiling. "Thanks."

As Asa drove you home, you stared out into the dark night, pondering about anything and everything. You didn't speak anymore, still weak from earlier. Pulling up to your home, you gave him a smile.

"Thanks," you said, unbuckling your belt.

As you reached for the door handle, his hand caught yours. You looked over at him confused.

"Would you, maybe want to go out sometime? When you're sober?" he asked, awkwardly letting go of your hand.

"Yeah," you said, smiling. "I'd like that."

You handed him your phone and he put in his number.

"Text me when you feel better," he said.

"Will do. Thank you again Asa."

"Your welcome y/n."

And the rest was history.

Asa Butterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now