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Summary: You are boarding with the Farrs while you are studying in London. One night, at a holiday party, you meet their son, Asa. And things begin to change.

The sun was about to set, and with the night came more guests. You barely knew any people, but you were certain that any friends of the Farrs would be a friend of yours. You considered them your family, after having only spent a few months with them. They were hosting a holiday party that night, and you more than happily offered to help. You had a red flannel shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, paired with some black jeans. That was as close to the holiday spirit that you'd gotten, much to the dismay of the Farr's who insisted that you wear an ugly Christmas sweater.

Walking around the main level of the home, you quickly picked up discarded plates and cup, hoping to keep the mess to a minimum after the party was over.

"You don't have to do that," you heard Jacqueline say as you tossed a few cups in the trash.

You shrugged. "It's the least I can do," you replied.

After about half an hour of attempting to socialise, you went into the basement, where you'd been staying for your studies. It was a lot quieter down there, which was something that you didn't mind. No one would really notice your disappearance, so you sat down at your desk and looked over your notes for your upcoming exam. Your mind wandered to the Farrs for a moment. You knew that Jacqueline had a son, whose name was Asa. You'd never met him, but he was quite a topic of conversation when he was brought up. The family owned all of his movies, and sometimes, during a movie night, you'd watch one of them.

You could hear the basement door open, pulling you out of your thoughts. You quickly went back to your studying, quickly flipping to the right page.

"Mom! Which one did you want?" you heard someone shout from the top of the steps.

"The 2009 one. Ask y/n, she knows where it is. She might be down there already; she's not up here," you heard Jacqueline say through the noise.

"Y/n? Are you down here?" you heard your name being called by an unfamiliar voice as steps came down the stairs.

"Uh, yeah," you replied, standing up from your chair.

"The 2009, right?" you asked, quickly moving to another room, which kept the majority of the family's alcohol.

"Yeah, if you can help me find it."

You turned on the light in the room, looking through the collection of wine. You had organised it not too long ago after having been the one to always find the wine. You quickly pulled out the right one, looking at the label to double check. You swiftly turned around, knocking into someone else.

"Woah!" you both exclaimed, as you collided.

You tightly held onto the bottle, hoping it wouldn't fall.

"Sorry," you said, looking up towards the person you bumped into. Looking at him, there was no denying that this was the Farrs son, Asa.

"No, no. I should've expected it," he said, awkwardly. "I'm Asa, by the way."

"I know," you said, quietly.

He looked at you funny, his eyebrows raised.

"You're American?" he asked, gently taking the bottle from you.

You nodded. "Born and raised."

"Well, it was good to meet you y/n," he said, leaving his hand out for you to shake.

"It was nice to meet you too Asa," you replied, shaking his hand. He gave you a smile, the same one that littered the photo albums and photos on the wall.

As he made his way upstairs, you quickly made your way back to your desk. You sighed, opening your textbook. This was going to be a long night.

When dinner was ready, you were the last one to take a plate, and hence forth there was no seating anywhere. You quickly made your way back down to the basement, setting your plate on the coffee table in the small living area. Quickly flipping on the television, you began to eat, realising that hadn't eaten all day.

"Y/n, are you still down here?" you heard Asa call from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah," you replied, gulping down a mouthful of food.

You could hear his footsteps coming down the staircase, and you could feel your heart beat a little bit faster. You couldn't deny that he was attractive, especially in person. But the last thing you wanted to do was shack up with your landlord's son.

He sat next to you on the couch, watching television.

"Are you always this antisocial?" he asked, after a few moments.

You shrugged. "I guess so."

He nodded, putting his meal on the table. "I'm going to get some, uh, wine. Do you want some?"

You looked over at him, nodding. He smiled, quickly getting up and going back upstairs. He soon came down with two glasses and the almost empty bottle of wine.

"For the lady," he said, pouring you a glass.

You smiled at him graciously before taking a sip.

The two of you sat in an awkward silence for about 20 minutes, the television filling the silence with laughter and sound effects.

"So you study at King's?" he asked, leaning back on the couch.

You nodded.

"What do you study?" he asked.

"Behavioural Psychology," you replied.

"That's interesting," he said.

You shook your head. "It's really boring. But, my family owns a private psychiatry business, so I kind of had to," you said, sipping at your wine.

"You're talkative now," he said, smirking.

"And you're cockier now," you retorted, giving him the same smirk.

The two of you ended up talking for the entire night, so long that you even heard Jacqueline go upstairs to her room. Once the initial awkwardness subsided (very heavily due to the alcohol), you two could have a good conversation, which seemed to go on for hours.

Checking your watch, you sighed.

"It's late," you said, rubbing your eyes.

Asa chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "How have we never met before this?" he asked, into your shoulder.

"Because you're famous and I'm not?" you replied, unsure of how to answer the question.

"Go home y/n," he laughed. "You're drunk."

You rolled your eyes, pulling away from him. "I am home."

He looked at you, quietly. You couldn't tell if it was the alcohol or just you, but you found yourselves leaning closer until your lips finally touched. His hands cupped your face as yours tangled in his hair, deepening the kiss. You pulled back for a moment, both of you out of breath. You smiled widely as he pulled you back in again.

Asa Butterfield ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now