~Brand New School~ P1

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Rain poured down hard outside on the roof and ground, it was in fact a muggy Summer day. Gray and white clouds filled the normally blue sky, and I, the Ultimate Animator, stayed up in my [F/C] colored bedroom. My two mothers, Kaede Akamatsu and Maki Akamatsu were downstairs preparing dinner. They were making an unusual amount of food, considering we are a small family of only women.

Oh, and by the way, something else that may be considered unusual is that the two of them actually gave birth to me. Odd, right? Well, it's normal to me. In a world filled with magic and people with amazing abilities that feel unrealistic, I'd say THIS is fine.

"[Y/N]!" Kaede, or embarrassingly enough known as Mommy, called out. I rushed down the stairs to quickly realize the purpose of one of my mothers calling out my name. Tenko and Himiko who were close friends of my mothers had come over for dinner, with their son.... Their son Mikado...

Mikado and I stared the each other for a moment, not sure of what to say. It was pretty awkward, and everyone else was under the impression that we knew each other, and they were correct.

"Good evening, [Y/N]." Mikado's handsome voice said to me, randomly causing my cheeks to turn bright pink. "Yeah... You too, Mikado."


I woke up at exactly 8:00, forgetting what day it was. My first day of Hope's Peak Academy! Realizing I had woken up too late, I quickly thrown on the brown, wrinkled Hope's Peak Academy uniform, made toast, and rushed out the door forgetting to tell my mothers goodbye.

I was actually unsure of what I needed to bring to my new school, but was just thrilled I had been excepted into the elite school to begin with! I, [Y/N] Akamatsu, was from this day onward, OFFICIALLY known as the Ultimate Animator! I was aware there was a now famous former student of Hope's Peak with that talent, and he was known as Ryota Mitarai.

Fortunately for me, my house was close to Hope's Peak Academy, the large school for only skilled students with Ultimate, or Super High School Level, talents. So without MUCH effort or time, I had arrived at my new school, and was only slightly late!

I had noticed others walking into the building, also, making feel better about my tardiness. Opening the doors, I proudly walked through the large halls of Hope's Peak Academy, the place that guarantees success for you!

Finding the number of my classroom, I entered the vast room I will be in for the next years. To my surprise, only three people were there already! And I thought I was late!

The students currently there were also in the uniform, one was a girl that had whitish hair, or maybe it was gray, another one was a boy with messy orange hair, the last had light pink hair, and was female. No teacher was there, apparently, leaving me concerned.

"Umm... Where is everyone?" I asked the students seated. "I guess everyone's just late.. And you were, too." The white haired girl replied. "Sorry..." I mumbled, and took a seat in a random place.

Minutes past, and soon the classroom flooded with other Ultimate students. Each of them were in Highschool, and so was I. But even so, there was no teacher along with them, which I found concerning.

"Oh, sorry for being late! I got caught up in talking with someone..!" A blue haired girl who seemed slightly tall announced. She also seemed to have one eye closed, for some reason. Maybe it's permanently stuck like that?

Each started explaining their tardiness, and then took a seat. Most people appeared to have colorful hair, or just a memorable look in general. No one really talked to me, yet, and chatted with each other, disregarding the fact that our teacher was missing.

But soon, something in the air felt different, not just the temperature. The room became like an oven, and it was suffocating me, and leaving an odd feeling, along with catching the others attention.

"Hey, what's going on?!" A boy with dark hair covering one eye questioned. "I gotta know the scoop for my next article! This COULD be a perfect opportunity for a fascinating writing!"

"I'm scared! What's going to happen?!" A small girl with pigtails said, clearly worried. Who appeared to be her twin, but had straighter hair, and a notable large chest, made sure to comfort her panicking twin sister, since no one was aware of the situation.

Suddenly, a tall guy with wavy blond hair appeared with fire around him, and a strange mask covering half his face. A black and white bird also sat on his shoulder, leaving us with many questions.

"Hello classmates. I am Mikado, the Ultimate Wizard! Please do not fear or question my magic." Mikado begun. "And this bird is known as Monocrow, and he will be your new teacher."

After introducing himself and Monocrow, the boy took a seat... Next to me. Something about him was off, and I already didn't like this guy.

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