Chapter One

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The pounding on my door awakens me.

Currently a little past midnight, I am lying in my bed with both hands grasping the top of my blanket and eyes wide open.

I don't want to know what's going on. Adrenaline is rushing through my body and my heart is beating like a hyper kid on a sugar rush. All I hear is yelling. But my parents never yell. My parents are civil, smart, and faithful. As my dad always says: "That's all life takes."

I hear some more yelling until it finally stops. Just stops. Like sirens that would fade away, except it just stops.

A few moments go quickly, and then I decide I need to see what is going on or was going on. I slowly and quietly place one sock-covered foot onto the creaky wood floor. And then another. But before I can do anything more, my mom comes out from the corner, scaring me with her tired appearance: blood-shot eyes visible even in this light, (which was no light), and slow, monster-like movements. She looked almost like she was under a trance. She and my dad weren't the only people in the cabin. Following my mom came a tall, broad-shouldered man who carried a gun. Something about him scares me. Like this wasn't a good visit.

Minus a gun, which I've never seen in my life until this moment, a look on his face in the dim room is threatening. And I am scared. I begin to shake severely.

"Honey," a wobbly, unstable word manages from my mother's mouth. My mouth is dry from the cold air. Should I cry? What is happening? Why is my mother coming close to crying? 

Not giving a correct response, or a response at all, my father continues what clearly my mother couldn't finish: "We love you."

Is this a dream? I touch myself as if I were to be in a dream. But since in dreams you can't necessarily control what you do, I knew I wasn't dreaming this.

Alright, I think. I know you love me. And I love you, too. But what are you talking about? Something in me needed for this to stop, but something in me needed for them to proceed.

The look on my face probably urged them to.

"But, we have to go... for n-now...," Mom finishes, choking up on certain words. I can hear a hint of depression in her voice. I can hear the sniffles from the both of them. Have to go? For now? Where? Do I answer?

Before I could, the frightening man charges towards me by walking quite fast and forces his hands to my bony arms. I wince. My head sinks down, and a weak "what" is all that I can say. I am tired, confused, and hurting, (on the inside and out).

"Honey, I'm sorry!" My mother cries out as I am being pulled away by this stranger. She falls into my father's arms.  My eyes eventually give out on me, leaving me passed out while being taken away. I could already tell this wasn't good. My mom and dad never got a chance to say anything else. Couldn't I have gotten an explanation at least?

I will miss them.

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