Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Hey wake up sleepy head!" An unfamiliar voice wakes me.

" Wha- who are you? " I ask slowly, opening my eyes as I wake up.

"I'm Jack! We share a room together"

I suddenly opened my eyes a bit wider. "This kid is so cute." I think to myself. Wait no! I just got here, I don't care how pearly white his teeth are, or how his hair shines in the light... NO! Well, maybe he's just cute. Maybe...

" Hi, Jack... I'm Carson... "

"Well hiya, it's about time for breakfast so I thought I should wake you up to tell you to get dressed silly."

I look at myself and notice that I'm in my pajamas. "Wha- How am I in my pajamas?"

" I dunno. You tell me. So yeah I would suggest you get dressed for breakfast" Jack said to me, his face gleaming with the realest smile I've ever seen.

I got up and got changed into some "nicer" clothes than pajamas. I put on my hoodie and pull up the hood to block out people and my face. I start walking over to the cafeteria which is actually pretty nice. It seems pretty welcoming. There were so many options for breakfast. I just chose some Cheerios and strawberry yogurt. Cheerios and yogurt are some of my favorite breakfast combos.

"Hello there!" Jack says walking up to me taking the seat next to me. "That's an interesting food combo. Cheerios and yogurt. Looks nice."

" Haha yeah. Especially honey nut with strawberry yogurt. It's the best. Ooh!! Cheerios and cream cheese too! " I say in response to Jack. I was surprised at myself because normally I don't like sharing those types of things. I'm always so shy and keep to myself to new people. To new people especially like Jack.

"Peach slices and cream cheese is really good too!"

I and Jack really hit it off. It was weird. Something like this never happens to me. We laughed with each other and talked as if we had known each other since we were born. "So... Uh what are your thoughts on the LGBTQ+ community?" I ask kind of awkwardly.

" Dude. I'm gay. What do you think about how I feel about the LGBTQ+ community? '' Jack says laughing. I'm so freaking excited about how lucky I am. I think I might be- NO! We just met, and we're just friends... Unless? No, he's just not into me...

 "Dude... I'm gay too!" I don't know why that's the only thing I could think of. I probably could've said something else like "That's cool. So am I" not "DuDe i'M gAy ToO!i!i!" How could I be so stupid, but still so lucky...

We continue to laugh when sudden memories of my parents and being kicked out, and nearly dying out in the freezing temperatures flood my mind. I start hyperventilating and freaking out. "I-i I got to go." I get up and leave. I don't know where but I just started walking.

" Carson? Are you okay? What's wrong? " Jack catches up with me, obviously worried. I don't know why he decided to follow me. Why should he be worried about me? He doesn't even know me!

"I-I'm fine. I got to go." I walk away as quickly as possible the thoughts of parents continue to flood my mind. I can't hold it back anymore. Tears are flowing down my cheeks, so many tears that when I try to wipe them it stings my cheeks. It felt as if someone would have turned on the facet to my eyes. My eyes started a ruthless tsunami that recklessly destroyed my pale face with the sudden rush of red. The flood of my emotions could easily conquer an ocean, and the great wave of fear and anger and sorrow and so so many other emotions wouldn't stop. My cheeks were the smooth and calm sand, and my teardrops were the ocean that viciously covered itself over the seashore, unforgivingly.

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