Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I'm sitting on a chair with my legs crossed, chilling, indulging myself in a book. It's about a pack of wolves that stumble upon a baby girl. They don't know what to do with her. Eventually, they get her to the rest of their pack and raise her as her own and she goes out hunting with the rest of the wolves and she encounters a human hunter. That's all I've read so far though. I'm excited to see what happens next.

I hear a knock on the wall and Lily walks in. "Hey, dude."

"Oh, what's up to Lily. Haven't seen you in a while." I say putting down my book.

"We got a new arrival. I think you should meet her."

"Oh, it's a girl?"

"Yeah. Come downstairs with me and you can show her around. Is that okay with you? Maybe Jack can tag along too."

"Sure sounds fun." I start walking down with Lily and I grab Jack too. We made our way down to the lobby and we met a nice young lady who's fifteen, thick, black, short hair, green eyes, above average height for her age for sure, She also has light tan skin with freckles all around. Bruises and scars evident in her arms. She also has a lip ring which I think is pretty cool.

"Hi. I'm Carson. This is Jack." I say pointing to Jack. "Nice to meet you. What's your name?" I say walking up to her in a friendly manner.

"Hi... I'm Carmin." She's so shy right now. I feel so bad. I remember my first day here. It was an... event. Let's just say that. She was on the shorter side of life and was an unhealthy skinny. She had golden curly hair, with bright green eyes. Her skin was pale, and her cheeks had almost no color to it. She was, frankly, like a doll. I could tell she was eyeing Jack in a way that she obviously didn't know he was taken.

"I and Jack would like to show you around. I could also introduce you to some new people."

"O-okay... " We start walking around the building. Introducing her to some new people. Lily had us also show her her room, the outside where all the activities are, the theater room, art room, cafeteria, and such. By the time we are done, it's time for lunch so we walk with Carmin back over to the cafeteria and I grab a Southwest Chicken Salad, Jack grabs a Spicy Chicken Sandwich, and Carmin gets a Southwest Chicken Salad too. She just kinda poked at her food and didn't touch it. Lily came up and told her she needed to eat to be excused. Incredibly random because she never did that to us, but alright. We all sit next to each other and just talk. Carmin decides to sit next to Jack though and gets uncomfortably close to him already. I don't think much about it and we talk about funny moments here and get to know each other a little bit.

After lunch, we go outside and it's like one-hundred degrees outside. We quickly get back inside to sweet sweet air conditioning.

"Why is it so hot outside!" Jack laughs.

"I don't know but let's not go outside again," I respond

"Do you guys want to watch a movie or something?" Carmin asks kinda timidly.

"Yeah, that's a great idea! What movie?" Jack declares.

"Were you thinking of something specific Carmin?"I ask.

"Nah, not really. Do you have any suggestions?"

"What are your thoughts on Marvel? Specifically Captain Marvel?" Jack asks slyly.

"Oooh!! I love Captain Marvel! Can we watch that movie?" Carmin jumps with joy.

"Totally. I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet. So I'm excited now." I say. "I'm going to get some popcorn for us. You guys head up to the theater room and I'll meet you up there.

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