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Tony's POV
I ran after Nick. He ran into his room and I could here crying through the door. I knocked. "Who is it?" Hearing the shaky ness in his voice hurt me. "It's Tony can I come in?" I asked softly. "You're the last person I wanna see!" He screamed at me. Tears filled my eyes. I ran down to the dinner table. Everyone looked at me. "Who has a great relationship with Nick cause he don't wanna talk to me," I asked, on the verge of tears. Ryland and Avani raised their hands. They went up the stairs. They knocked. "I said go the fuck away Tony!" He screamed. "It's not Tony," Ryland said. "It's me and Avani," Nick opened the door. "You ok bubs?" Ryland asked.
Nick's POV
I opened the door to see Ryland and Avani. "Look, we all accept you ok?" He asked. At this point I broke down and started crying on his shoulder. I stayed like that in complete silence for a few minutes until Avani asked "You feeling better bb?" while she rubbed my arm. "Yeah I guess," smiling but playing with my fingers. "Good because Tony wants to talk to you," Ryland said looking at me. "Ok tell him to come in," I said nervously. "Hey Nick," he said bright red. "Is it true?" He asked. "Yeah it is. I've liked you the day I've moved in," I said rubbing the back of my neck, looking down. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. "So you know how you have suck a high body count?" I asked. "Y-yeah I guess," he said looking away. "I'm asexual, Tony. And I didn't know how you would take it," I said looking at him. "Nick, you think I wouldn't like you for that. I'm not gonna hate you for anything," he said grabbing my hand. "Now before I do anything, what can I do?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I said actually confused. "I mean like are you comfortable with kissing and stuff? Are you good with my hand on your thigh and hugging? Cuddling?" He asked. I was surprised he cared. "I'm fine with all of those actually. Just be careful with the kissing part," I said punching his shoulder. I was about to say something but he cut me off with his lips on mine. I kissed back but it only lasted 10ish seconds. "Nick Austin, will you be my boyfriend?" He asked. "Omg a thousand times yes!" I said a little loud. We went back down to dinner and everyone looked at us like we were gonna tell them what happened. "Fine if you wanna know so bad we're dating," Tony said. Everyone's jaw dropped. "Omg I ship," Kouvr said. "Me too!" Charlie and Dixie said at the same time. I smiled and looked down at my hands. "Everything ok Nick?" Alex asked me. "Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't expect it to go so well," I said not looking up. Ryland hit my shoulder. "What I tell you bubbas?" He said smiling. "You were right," I said. We all decided to go out to the pool after that. Me and Tony were making out and we didn't realize everyone watching, some taking videos and pictures. "Aww," Avani said. "I gotta go," I said running away from everyone. I walked into the bathroom and threw up. Then I fainted.

So basically asexuality is when you have no sexual attraction at all. But you still can have and want a romantic relationship :)

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