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Nick's POV
I remember collapsing after throwing up. Next thing I remember I hear Tony screaming my name and begging for me to wake up. But I could only hear. I couldn't move. If only he knew that I've been starving myself so I looked good for him.
Tony's POV
I was driving to the hospital with Kouvr, Avani, Alex, Ryland, and Ondreaz. Everyone was looking at me because I was crying. Why did he just pass out? Is there something he's not telling me?
Nick's POV
I hear people talking to me. "Hey Nick, it's me Tony. I just wanted to say I love you with all my heart and that you can tell me anything because I know that there's a reason this happened. Please try for me ok?" I just tried and the next thing I knew I was sitting up. Everyone stared at me like I had 3 heads. "You said I love you!" I said in a raspy voice. "Nick I'm sorry I wasn't thinki" I cut him off by kissing him. It lasted a few seconds. "I love you too," I said. "Nick what happened?" Kouvr and Avani said at the same time. "I- uh um well," I said and then I started crying. Ondreaz took Tony out of the room. "We figures it would help because I know you don't like it when Tony sees you like this," he said before leaving with his brother. "So what's up?" Thomas asked me. "I h-haven't been e-e-eating," I said stuttering almost every word. Everyone looked shocked. "You what?!?" Tony said coming in. "Why would you do that Babe?" He said worried. "I-I was self c-conscious about n-not l-looking g-good enough for y-you," I said bursting out in tears. "Omg Babe your better looking then I'll ever be. I can't believe you thought that," he said looking in my eyes. "I'm s-sorry," I said still crying. "It's ok baby. Just promise not to do that again," he said looking me in my eyes. I promise," I said smiling.
*skip the hospital because I wanted to*
I walk in and everyone who wasn't in the hospital came and hugged me. I explained everything and almost everyone was crying. Except for Tony. He came over and hugged me and kissed me cheek. A light shade of pink came over my cheeks and I buried my head in his shoulder. I kissed him on the lips this time. "Nick Austin!" I heard a familiar voice shout. I pulled away and looked up at my mom. She looked disgusted. I whimpered as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the kitchen away from the others.
*sensitive conversation*
"Are you gay?" She asked practically screaming. "Y-y-yes I am," I said unsure if I should've told her that. "That's disgusting. I never want to speak to you ever again! You are no longer aloud in my house! It's a sin to be gay and I never raised my son to be gay!" She said closing the door. I cried and I just sat on the kitchen floor. "Nick are you ok?" Tony asked me running to me. "I-I-I'm a disgrace!" I said and he just pulled me into a tight hug not saying anything.

Sorry for another short chapter but the next chapter will have a big surprise with a new ship but I will be making a whole new book for that!

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