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Yo, what is up my little gemlings! I hope everyone is keeping safe in quarantine and staying healthy! Make sure you practice social distancing and stay home if you're sick. SO, I totally forgot that wattpad even existed for a little bit!


"I'm sorry I had to kill you to get you here."


Electric blue eyes stared at the old man in disbelief. "Excuse me? I don't think I heard you correctly. Ha, there must be something in my ears, you see, I thought that you just said you killed me. But that can't be right!" The old man looked uncomfortable as the red head ranted.

"I believe that you heard correctly, my child. But don't fret! It was all for the greater good!" Noel stared at the obviously soulless old geezer and sneered.

"Careful what you say now, you're walking on thin ice. Where the hell am I, what am I doing here, and who the FUCK are you? 'Cause I thought that God was suppose to, you know, not kill people." God frowned.

"It was your time to leave that world, you are needed somewhere else and they do not have the luxury of time." Noel tilted her head up so that she was peering down at the old man.

"They need me? My people are fighting a war! They need me, I have no right to just abandon them!" God held up a hand, halting the red head's furious words.

"Your people, as you say, are not suffering as much as the ones who desperately need you. The ones whom truly need you have been forced behind walls, teetering on the brink of extinction. Those poor people are eaten by giants every time they attempt to reclaim land. They are the people who need you most, Noel."

Electric blue eyes widen in surprise. How terrible could an enemy be to bring about an entire species wipeout? Noel turned her brilliant orbs back to the saddening old man. "Just because my people aren't suffering as much, doesn't mean they do not face the hardships of life. Why me? Why send me to these people? I'm sure there's a million other candidates that would do a better job than me in saving them. After all, I'm a mere human." A twinkle entered God's brown eyes.

"Ah, ah, ah! That is where I come in. You possess such a strong and independent soul that would give that world what they need. I can't send someone of pure heart and soul to that place, they would be useless. But you, your soul is neither light nor dark, a perfect shade of grey that shows neutrality. It is because of your unique soul, that I wish to make you into a special being." Noel's eyes crinkled in confusion.

"A special being?" God smiled. "Indeed. I wish to infuse a large amount of my own grace with your soul. If I do this, you would become my daughter and an archangel of sorts." The red head snorted.

"Wouldn't that be defeating the whole purpose of being 'a perfect shade of grey?' From my understanding, angels are the purest beings that can be possibly created. And assuming that this was possible, it's rather bold of you to assume I'd want to be your daughter?" Noel bitterly smiled.

"On Earth, there's a saying. 'God has forsaken us.' Apparently we're not the only ones you've forgotten. I'm sorry, but I'm not the person you're looking for." God watched mournfully as his daughter, and yes she was his daughter that will never change, attempted to walk away from him.

"Wait- you're right. I've failed, i've forgotten. I've done wrong by my children, but please. Please, I'm just trying to help. I'm just trying to do right for once. But I can't do it alone." Noel paused in her escape.

All was quiet for a few minutes before the woman groaned and threw her head back. "You're a wicked old man, you know that? Plain awful. Alright, I'll help you, but you have to give me the means. I refuse to go in blind and just as useless as the ones I am suppose to be helping." God beamed.

"Done! Oh, this is just marvelous! Of course there's going to be a few bumps and errors so we can't do the transformation just yet, it'll be gradual. Yes, yes!" Noel watched the essentric deity prance around with a youthfulness no one his age should possess.

"I'll send you to the mission spot immediately. Upon arrival you'll be born and will spend your first years simply observing. I will instruct you as needed. Is this to your liking?" The woman in question merely sighed.

"Just send me to the damn hell hole already."

"As you wish."

Okay y'all I know this is very short. I quickly finished this chapter that I started almost over a year ago so let me get back into the swing of thingss before we start getting longer chapters! Stay safe and healthy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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