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Sulia's POV

My throat burned so much.  It felt like a hot piece of iron was shoved down my throat.  On the fancy roof of a grand house, I hid from the world and the nightmares.  In desperation I looked upward at my only friend, the moon. Tears of pain and misery streamed down my pale face.  It's only been a week since I last fed, but why does it hurt so much?

If I stop feeding or use too much of my power, I first start to get sleepy until I turn into a sleeping monster.  Then the pain starts.  My throat starts to itch then it gets hotter and hotter.  Until, finally, it burns like crazy and my throat becomes raw.  A clue that helps me know when I need to feed is my eye color.  When I don't need to feed, my eyes are bright blue but when I really need to feed, it's pitch black.

Currently, my eyes are black voids.  The lights coming out of the big windows, only made my pain worse.  I stared longingly at the people dancing and drinking wine.  All of a sudden, a whoosh and a yelp behind me.  Startled, I whirled around and faced a boy. He looked a few years older then me and had bright blonde hair.  His purple eyes swung back an forth as he rubbed one hand behind his head.

"Oh!  Are you here to enjoy the view too?  The party downstairs sure is crazy, right?" he said.


"Why are you up here?"

"..."  My pain doubled if not tripled since I first saw him.  My fingers itched to pin the foolish boy down and sink my fangs into his throat.  Already, my fangs started to lengthen and my legs I started to get up against my will.  "Run..." I rasped.


Too late.

I had already leapt on him in a second and aimed my fangs a inch above of his warm neck. Instead of thrashing or attacking me with his magic, he calmly looked at with those purple eyes that I instantly hated. My void-like eyes pleaded him to something, anything.

"Go ahead. You need it," he calmly said. I despised him for not killing me instead. I was a monster.

The last bit of my willpower disappeared as I pierced his damn neck with my blood-thirsty teeth. Sweet blood burst into my mouth with surprise and questions. I was so surprised that I almost drew back, but another burst of sweetness swept the questions away and they faded.

Usually, when I feed, I kill the blood source and the blood is bitter with fear.

I took big gulps and my fingers grabbed on his neck and shoulder tighter as I took in the strange, sweet blood. The longer I fed, the bigger my sleepiness became. I closed my eyes in bliss. Strangely, the flow of the blood didn't lessen throughout the whole feeding.

Finally, when I was satisfied, I drew back and looked down at the stranger with wonder but lidded eyes. He looked up at me with does damn purple eyes and gave me a chuckle and a warm, kind smile. I sighed.

As a thank-you, I bent over his neck again and instead of biting it, I gave the wound a lick instead. Since my saliva has healing properties, his wound closed up without leaving a trace. I was so sleepy now that I was going to pass out any second.

The boy let out a chuckle again and asked, "What kind of strange magic do you have?"

I passed out and fell on top on him.

Sorry it's so short. :(

Please forgive me.

This my the first story.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

I'll try to make it longer next time.

Stay safe from the Coronavirus!!! :)

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