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Sulia's POV

I had a splitting headache.  It felt like my head was splitting apart.  I tried to get up but I heard a voice say, "Don't.  It'll make it worse."  My eyes flew apart and I jolted up into a sitting position.  I immediately regretted it.  "Told ya."  I whipped my head towards the voice and find the guy from yesterday.  "Hiya!"

"Where am I?" I asked quietly.

"You're at my house!" he said cheerfully.

"Do they know I'm here?" I worriedly asked.



This guy was really cheerful.  It was giving me a headache.  He just sat there and released a bucket load of excitement.  I hated him.

"So, introduce yourself."

"I'm Sulia, 12 years-old, and I got blood magic."

"YOU.  GOT.  WHAT???????"

"Blood magic."

"SHOW MEEEEEEEEE, " he yelled with stars in his eyes.

I sweat-dropped and leaned away from the guy, "Okay..."  I stretched out my hand and at the center of my palm a drop of blood bloomed.




"What's your name?" I asked, a little awkwardly.

"I'm Julius Novachrocno, 14 years-old, and I got time magic!"

"Cool..." I answered,  little tired.

We just sit there among the awkwardness and weirdness for a long time.

"Okay!  Whatcha wanna do?"

"Do you have candy?"


"Let's go get some!" 


Time Skip

"Where'd you get this?!" I asked with a mouth full of sweets.

"I don't know!" he yelled back with full mouth.

We happily munched on the sweetest candy in the Clover Kingdom.  To help time pass, we talked about many things, especially the Magic Knights and magic.  Turns out, Julius wants to become a magic knight.  To be honest, I do too.

"Heyyy..." Julius said looking at me with raised eyebrows.









Bloody Time (Julius Novachrono x Vampire OC )Where stories live. Discover now