1. Married To My Boss - Goodbye New York

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Six Months Earlier

I look around the one-bedroom apartment that I rented when I first arrived in New York City six months ago. Every six months I move from place to place as I don't like to get attached to people. Making friends and falling in love is the last thing I want.

You're probably wondering why I feel this way.

Well, I have a story to tell you and it involves two important people in a child's life and that's their parents.

My parents met when they were fifteen. They became best friends on the first day of freshman year. As the year progressed they started to date and eventually they were each other's first.

Nine months later, they had my brother Nick. Both of their parents were supportive of them being teenage parents. They both continued going to high school and excelled in all their classes, while their son was looked after by nannies.

When senior came around they graduated at the top of their class. That night Dad took Mom to a hotel and that's where they conceived my brother, Chuck.

Four years later, they had another boy named Finn and he was the trouble maker of the lot. Then a year and a half after Finn, I was born. I was Daddy's Little Girl.

My parents were wealthy and I took being born into this family to another level. When I was eighteen I started dating a guy named Dustin. He was the school's bad boy and that appealed to me. I skipped school here and there.

After that, I started smoking weed and drinking with the cool kids after school.

It wasn't until after graduation that I realised I was a stupid kid that took her parents for granted.

After graduation, I went on a bender with a few girls from school. When I finally went home I found my parents place trashed and their bodies side by side in the living room. They both had stab wounds all over their bodies and streaks of blood was on the cream coloured wall.

I called my boyfriend to see if I could stay with him, but he didn't answer his phone.

After a few days of not seeing Dustin around, I learnt he skipped town. It was at that moment I realised he was the one responsible for killing my parents. That's why I don't want to fall in love or have friendships with anyone.

I am a toxic person to be around.

At times I would think about ending my life and being with my parents, but then I'd remember Mom telling me that life is a gift and that we should push through the hard times and enjoy the time we have on earth with the people we love. She also said that memories are created and they never fade even after the person is gone.

I miss my parent's every day.

Walking over to the balcony I stand on it and look over the city and a smile spreads across my face. "I'm going to miss you, New York. I will be back one day, though." Entering the house I walk over to my suitcase and look through it for my passport and other documents.

My phone starts to ring and I see a Los Angeles number pop up on the screen. Answering the call I say.

Me: Hello, this is Rylee Hudson.

Voice: Hi, Rylee. My name is Susana Wentworth and I'm calling you about an interview at Wentworth Incorporated. Could you come in for an interview today? I know its short notice.

Me: Actually, I'm in New York at the moment. I'm leaving for Los Angeles in a couple of hours. Can I come in tomorrow?

Susana: Oh, tomorrow will work perfectly for us. How about 10 am?

Me: That's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow at ten.

Susana: Have a lovely day, Rylee.

Me: You too, Mrs Wentworth. Bye.

She hangs up.

I put my phone in my pocket and grab my bag off the table. Before I head out the door I double-check that I have everything. After the second look, I walk out the door and make my way downstairs.

When I reach the first floor I knock on the Super's door. Swinging the door opens he looks at me. "Ah, if it isn't my favourite renter. Are you off now, Rylee?"

"Yes, I am." Handing him the keys I say. "Thanks for giving me a place to rent while I was new in town."

A smile spreads across his face. "You're welcome. If you need anything in the future give me a call. There's always a place for you."

"Will do." Grabbing my bag I continue my way down the last set of stair and to the main door. Walking out of the building I head towards the street where a Taxi is parked.

The driver steps out of the car and helps me load my bags into the trunk. "To JFK please." I open the car door and sit in the back.

" I open the car door and sit in the back

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The car pulls in front of the JFK. The driver opens the car door for me and I step out. He walks over to trunk and pulls my stuff out.

Taking it from him. "Thanks," I give him the money before walking into the airport. Walking through the door I head straight to check-in and get sorted for my flight.

Putting my bags on the machine I watch as the lady tags my bags and they are taken to the plane.

It's been over six years since I've set foot in Los Angeles and now I'm going back to the place where my parents were killed.

I still have family that live there and I haven't called any of them to tell them that I was coming home. If I did they'd want me to visit or even worse move in with them.

The truth is I'm afraid to be near them. I still haven't accepted that it's not my fault that my parents are dead.

If Finn finds Dustin then I might be able to heal from this, but I have a feeling that may not happen.

Walking into the terminal I see families and friends together. They are smiling and hugging each other.

I wish that was me, with my family.

Sighing I head in the direction of my plane and wait for the boarding call. I pull my phone out of pocket and check Facebook.

Going through the notifications I see new photos added of my brother's with their families. They usually tag me in posts saying. "We love you." "We miss you." "Visit us soon."

I miss my brother's a lot, but they don't need to see me like this.

That's why I don't want to visit them when I first arrive in Los Angeles.

The flight attendant calls for people to board the plane. I wait until the row I'm sitting in to be called before walking over to the line. I turn my phone off before handing the flight attendant my ticket.

She tears it and then says. "Have a night flight."

I follow the passageway to the plane and then board it. Walking through first class I see Evan Wilson with his wife and child. They are smiling and making baby noises to their daughter who laughs.

Last year they were the talk of tinsel town. It was a surprise that out of nowhere that Evan proposed to his wife and then they had problems with his crazy ex. The last I heard was the ex-girlfriend was being released after spending a year under psychiatric help.

Walking past them I head to the middle of the plane where my seat is. When I find it I put my stuff into the overhead compartment and then take my seat next to the window.

A/N: Evan Wilson has a book it's called Accidentally Engaged. It's a completed story. If you're interested in getting to know their story.

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