Chapter 60

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Zethora's POV

"Zethora, may I ask you a question?"I turn to Maddox who is in the seat next to mine. 

After we dropped off my sister back at her school, he drove us to a private airstrip. I grinned looking at the sleek white plane before turning to Maddox jumping onto him. His laughter making my heart soar. We got out of his truck to see all my family and friend's waiting in the hanger. I quickly became aware that this was my goodbye before leaving for camp. I began crying again as my uncle wrapped me in his arms. I cried on his shoulder not ready to say goodbye. He pulls back kissing my forehead before my best friend, and practically sister, pounced on me. My tears still running as she hugged the life out of me. Chris and Derek wrapping us in one big group hug. 

They release me to see Tyler standing there with his own glossy eyes. He doesn't move towards me letting me know how hard this is for him. I walk slowly towards him before throwing my arms around his neck. He hugs me tightly as his head sinks into my shoulder. I hear him sniff and pull back enough to see his tears leaking out. I put my forehead to his closing my eyes as he mirrors me. He breathes deeply and slowly making me smile... This is us. 

"You already make me proud cuz... Do this for you." 

I nod my head reopening my eyes to look to him. He gives my forehead a kiss before I feel a hand to the small of my back. Tyler turning to Maddox giving him a nod before walking over to our family and taking his place with Macey. I smiled and waved climbing the stairs to get on the plane. My luggage already being loaded as Maddox leads me to our seats. The plane empty other than two flight attendants and two pilots. 

I nod to Maddox who glances to make sure the flight attendants aren't here before looking back to me. 

"I noticed Arabella has Tyler's last name... and she also doesn't tell people you are sisters." I chuckle and nod knowing he's intrigued why a girl wouldn't use her sister's popularity to her advantage. "How come she is not an Andrews?"

I smile gently reaching for his hand interlacing our fingers. The comfort seeping into me as I answer him. 

"My sperm donor was not aware that my mother was pregnant when we escaped. He had know idea that he fathered another. My uncle made the decision to use my mother's maiden name for Arabella so he could not find her. He also signed the birth certificate as her legal father." 

He squeezes my hand making me rub his thumb with mine. 

"As for not telling people were sisters... I do not wish for her to be hounded and she does not wish to have superficial friends." 

Maddox smirks at that answered i'm sure with surprise. Most girls would flaunt this but my sister is unlike most. She wants true friendships to last lifetimes. She trust very few due to our upbringing and guards herself closely. 

"My sister used to tell EVERY one that she was my sister." I giggle not seeing Cass as that type. Maddox chuckles as his mind replays a memory. He relaxes back into the seat while I do the same. "It was well and good until she realized exactly what your sister has already learned. It's quite fucking amazing your sister, as young as she is... knows so much." 

I nod my head turning back to see the white clouds scattered throughout the sky. Maddox's lips grazing my shoulder making me bite my lip feeling his touch set me on fire. His lips moving from my shoulder up to my neck peppering kisses along the way. His other hand reaching over to cup my neck. I sigh dropping my head into his palm as his lips leave open mouth kisses along my neck. 

I can feel his body leaning over the armrest pressing more to my side. Fuck it! I turn to him throwing one of my legs over his lap so I'm straddling him. I smash my lips to his as I grip his hair. His growls only turning my body on overdrive. I begin moving my hips forward and back as he bucks his hips upwards to meet me. 

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