Sleeping beauty situation- Sonamy, Shadaze, Knuxouge

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 It was supposed to be a normal day for Amy Rose. Well, the new, less sonic crazed Amy Rose. She still loved him of course, but she decided to give him the space and time he wanted. She managed to busy herself with girls days and cleaning up her house, even some of her other little hobbies such as cooking.

But, at the moment, she was tidying her house up a bit before Blaze got there. They had planned to hang out a bit but mostly some self defense training. It was for them both but more for Amy.

"Ok, now that, that is done I can-" Amy mumbled to herself but a loud knock interrupted her. "Is she here already?"

Amy looked to the clock on her wall. It was easy, even for Blaze. Nonetheless, She went to the door and opened it, but there was no one there. Just a small, white envelope sitting on her doormat. She picked it up, curiously and turned it over. It only had her name on the front.

"I wonder who this could be from." Amy wondered aloud and she brought it inside.

She sat down on her window seat and ripped it open. The only things inside were a card that read "you will thank me later" in big black letters and an oddly decorated needle. Amy inspected it, but never would have guessed what happened next.

Suddenly, a weird sensation washed over her and she wasn't in control of herself anymore. Her hand rose up to the needle and she pressed against it. As the needle broke threw the skin of her bare finger, she felt really drowsy. Amy tried so hard to fight it but she fell over, landing on the comfort of the window seat pillows.

About an hour later, Blaze arrived. She knocked on the front door but didn't receive a reply.

"Amy? I'm here. Where are you?" Blaze then spotted Amy on the window seat. "Amy, I'm here. It's time to wake up. Amy?" The she-cat tried to shake her awake but the hedgehog wouldn't budge. "What happened to you?" Blaze muttered to herself.

That's when she noticed something in Amy's hand. She couldn't tell what it was and reached for it.

"What is-ow!" Blaze dropped the needle.

She looked her hand back and saw a bit of blood on her finger. Suddenly, she started to feel dizzy and stumbled back against the couch.

"No...need help..." Blaze fell to the floor.

Blaze somehow managed to pull her phone out, in her dazed state and sent a text to a random contact in her phone. The message read "Amy's house help". Thankfully, she hit send before she finally passed out.

Soon, Rouge came fluttering through the door.

"Hello, Blaze? Amy? What is with the weird message? Does have to do with a certain hedgehog?" Rouge called into the house. At a quick glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but when she stepped further, she saw them. "Amy, Blaze!"

She tried for shake them awake, but nothing happened. She checked for a pulse and was relieved to find they were alive. But if they were alive but wouldn't wake up, what was the problem? That's when she noticed the pretty needle on the floor near them. It somehow looked familiar.

Rouge picked it up, carful of the sharp decorations that were added. Then, it hit her.

"This...this is the Sleeping Beauty's curse needle! It was lost for centuries so... how did Amy and Blaze get it?" Rouge wondered aloud.

Rouge had always been fascinated with these kinds of historical treasures but now wasn't the time worry about that. Now, she needed help in waking them up and she knew just how to do it.

So she pulled out her phone and dialed the nurse of her hedgehog friend.

"Hello?" Shadow answered the phone.

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