Trouble is a Brewing

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Inside the café Betty and Ray took their seat at the bar.

“Hello Ray what’ll be?” Asked the waitress.

“Hey Luis I’ll take a dark roasted cup of joe.” Ray said as the waitress wrote his order down.

“And for your gal?” The waitress asked.

“I’ll take a plate full of benyas with cup of joe heavy on the sugar; I like my joe to be extra sweet.” The waitress wrote down her order.

“Okay a dark roasted cup of joe, a plate full of benyas, and a cup of joe lots of sugar.” The waitress said repeating the order to make sure it was right.

“Yep.” Ray and Betty answered simultaneously.

“Alright I’ll be back in just a jiffy with your order.” The waitress then left.

A few minutes later when the waitress came back with their order trouble walked in; a guy named Billie walked into the café with his fellas.

“I think I’m gonna upchuck.” Betty said as she held her stomach and put her hand over her mouth.

“What’s eating you Baby?” Ray asked concerned.

“Betty! Didn’t expect to see my old gal here. What ya been up to? Smoking, Drinking?”

“Beat it Billie.” Betty hissed.

“You heard the girl beat it.” Ray said in a vile tone of voice.

“Whatcha doin with a guy like that when you could be hanging out with a bimbo like me?” Billie said as he pulled Betty in for a kiss. Betty swatted at him.

“Get off me you dewdropper!” Billie held Betty by her neck. Betty screamed and then gasped for air.

“Get the authorities!” Ray screamed to the waitress.

Ray kicked Billie in the shin and gave him good beating. People in the café were all screaming in terror. When authorities showed up they took Billie out in handcuffs.

“You won’t have Billie here bothering you and your gal ever again. We’ll make sure to keep him locked up tight.” One of the authorities said.

“Ya better because if he messes with me or my gal…” Ray said quit feisty.

“Yes, I understand sir. Don’t worry we got Billie under control.” Another authority interrupted. “Have a nice night with your gal.”

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