Rolling in The Field-Peter Parker

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In a far distance, two figures are on a hill moving under the sun. "Peter hurry up!" Running toward a field of flowers you found the other day to hangout. Your hair moves behind you as you go down a steep hill careful not to falter your momentum. Peter only trailing behind a few feet away.

"Then slow down Angie I'm trying my best to now fall-AH" Jinxing himself, Peter trips and tumbles the steep hill. With horrible luck, he gained enough momentum causing the fall to also take you with him. Loud groans are heard from both teens as they roll down the hard ground. Once down the hill, both teens were covered in grass stains, hair messed up a little, and tangled with one another. Peter lands on top of you making you wheeze from Peter's weight.

"Peter get off it hurts. I can't breathe." In a quick panic, Peter rolls off of you and mutters apologies. You cut off Peter and say "At least we didn't have our backpacks or anything." Both of you against the ground stare at each other in silence and bust out laughing. With goofy smiles on both of your faces and noticing the appearance of each other, you both start laughing harder. There was no specific reason for the laughter but the rest of the day was filled with fun chilling on the field relieve stress from this week of school.

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