Chapter 5 - One night

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Fast forward three months ~

The whole YouTube channel situation was going well. Alex, Chris and Ross had first started off making short films, they had also, after much discussion and metaphorical throwing of plates, finally come up with a name: H(Hornby), A(Alex), T(Trott) Films. On Hat films, they also decided to dabble in the art of gaming/commentary videos which turned out to be more popular than they had ever imagined.

In an act of celebration of their 1,000th subscriber, Ross proposed they went out for a drink, a 'proper night out'. "For God sake, hurry up." Ross moaned, he stood leaning up against the front door frame, swinging his car keys around his finger. Trott came out first smiling at Ross, "Where's Smith?"

"I don't know mate, TAKING HIS BLOODY TIME that's where." Ross shouted making sure Smith could hear him. He got a muffled curse in reply before Alex's footsteps began to emerge. "Right, let's go." Smith cheered, putting his hands on Chris' shoulders. They both twitched slightly at the sudden touch, it seemed to even surprise Ross. But he just simply lifted his eyebrows before turning out the door. The pair stood there for a moment, both secretly soaking in each others warmth. Trott let out a comfortable sigh before prying himself out from underneath Alex's hands, "Don't forget the keys mate." Chris smiled, his eyes holding a glimpse of hope and admiration when they met Alex's. Smith grinned warmly then followed him out of the house before locking the door behind him.

Ross entered at the driver's side of the car whilst Chris and Alex simultaneously shouted, "SHOTGUN." but Ross rolled down the window and stared at them with disgust, "No way assholes, you get in the back." Ross watched them stare, then sigh, have a war without words and move to the back of the car. He grinned with mischief but quickly mellowed when the two got in. Chris zipped up his hoodie as the cold air nipped at him. Smith glanced at him then at the sleeves' hem, where there was a smallish hole forming just above the cuff. He took in a silent gasp of air. Catching Trott's eye he mouthed, "You still wear it?" Chris blushed and took a glance at Ross. "Of course," He mouthed back, "You didn't even notice?" Smith shook his head, pulling up his own sleeve he flashed a rugged bracelet, a dark green and brown braided one to be precise. He smiled when he saw the shock in Chris' eyes. "Didn't think you'd remember." Smith confessed in a whisper before turning to face Chris, where the pair grinned widely at each other. Trott averted his gaze to out of the window, a warm feeling numbed his body, a permanent smile etched it's way upon his face and the hairs prickled on his skin.

They reached a bar that was musky looking but homely from the outside. To their surprise, when they entered it was quite dim, loud and packed full of people. Awkwardly shuffling around the ocean of bodies the three of them managed to make their way to the bar and find four free stools. Smith sat down and ordered a drink for everyone, he paid the man after three pints of beer were placed in front of them. Looking around sheepishly, Smith settled on looking at Trott who smiled reassuring, "Hell of a lot of people in here mate." Alex nodded and sipped at his drink. He didn't actually mind the amount of people too much and it was nice seeing, possibly meeting, new people.

After their first round of drinks, Ross offered to buy the next but noticed that someone had come to sit next to Smith. A small brunette woman watched Alex attentively with sparkling eyes. Catching Alex's attention, Ross nodded at the woman. When Smith met her eyes she smiled before looking away and taking a sip of her drink. Shrugging and lifting an eyebrow at the other two, Smith resumed his conversion with Chris. Trott bought what he called the 'Third and final' round of drinks and knocked his glass against the other two's in act of a cheer. Smith smiled at the smaller man but stopped when he saw Ross' eyebrows furrow. Alex turned to see the brunette looking at him again, this time she spoke, "Hey, I'm Rose." She smiled flicking her hair off one shoulder, "Nice to meet you?..."

"Alex. Hey." Smith held out a hand which she took quickly and held for a long time. "Can I get you a drink." Rose battered her eyelashes and flashed her teeth. "One minute." Smith muttered, turning around to face his friends. He met Ross' eyes who simply smiled then he met Trott's. Chris' eyes seemed clouded, saddened and confused but he spoke confidently, "Wow mate, on the pull." He chuckled then winked, "Go for it." A mixture of disappointment and anger bubbled inside of Smith 'I will' he thought spitefully. Turning back to the girl he smiled brightly, "I'd love to."


The night flashed by with lots of drinks and increasing amounts of flirting. Chris and Ross decided to move to a table in the corner of the room, whilst Alex decided to remain with the girl. Chris gazed off into the distance, every now and again looking longing at Smith. The girl and Alex were beyond drunk, the two laughed at everything, slurred loud words and spilt drinks. Turning to Ross, Chris smiled, "Why don't you try your chances, like Smith." Trott's last words were slightly more sour than he expected. But Ross just laughed, "Me? Nah mate, have you seen me with women? Apparently impressions of Northern accents isn't as charming as it seems." Finishing of his drink he stood up, "Let's go then." Trott nodded and got up looking over at Smith. "Smith mate, we're leaving!" Ross called, the ginger simply waved and laughed. "Guess he's not coming." Ross muttered, "Lets call a taxi, I'm too drunk for driving." Chris nodded but started longingly at Smith, why the hell did he encourage him? Sighing, Trott followed Ross out to the carpark, regret and loneliness weighing on his shoulders.

Sitting in the taxi, this time Trott sat in the back with Ross, confusion and grief evident on his face. Ross took note of this and grasped Chris' shoulder shaking him lightly, "Don't worry mate I'm sure you'll be the one who catches someone next time." Ross uttered with a slight smirk. Chris lifted his head, feeling guilty that he had been wearing his heart on his sleeve since they exited the bar. The drive home was full of silence and Ross' occasional jeer in effort to raise his spirits. After a journey that had lasted far longer than felt necessary, Chris clamoured out of the taxi, not realising how unstable (and drunk) he had become on his feet. Seeing Trott's struggles and useless attempts at walking, Ross quickly paid the driver and darted over to Trott in order to help him stand. All of this made him think, 'If I'm like this now I wonder how Smiths holding up?' Trott wondered, 'Well screw him the twat leaving us.' Soon after mentally and physically kicking himself for thinking such things, Trott sighed with bitter self-loathing. Smith was his friend, his best friend and he could do whatever, or whomever he pleased. Due to his previous actions, Trott was shortly tripping over his own feet and bringing Ross down with him. "What the fuck mate?" Ross questioned, looking sternly upon his smaller friend, "We're getting you inside right now," he stated, noticing Trott's not so sudden change of mood.

Finally managing to get Trott inside, Ross pulled him over to the sofa and turned him onto his side, "Look mate, I don't know what's got you all rilled up-" He paused, trying to hide a smile, "But whatever it is can wait till the morning, I'm wrecked so are you just get some sleep you twat." Ross sighed, throwing a pillow and a blanket at his brunette friend he made his way upstairs and into bed.


Trott couldn't sleep. He was kept awake by the silence of the house in violent comparison to the voices in his head. Conflicted arguments of 'Let him be.' to 'He's mine.' fought for dominance, each seemed to get less rational by the minute. Trying to stay awake for when Smith came back, Chris stared longingly at the door, straining his ears for any approaching footsteps. Finally at some point in the night sleep found him, waking up to the sound of Ross burning something in the kitchen. He woke up curled in an awkward ball on the sofa, blankets thrown onto the floor with a pounding headache but worst of all no signs of Smith, "That bastard." Trott uttered just loud enough for him to hear. He rubbed a rugged hand down his face,desperately trying to erasing all thoughts of Alex.

A/N: Good day! So we have a few things planned for the upcoming months, like possibly more updates to see you guys through Christmas and we're planning our first collaboration! Obviously it will be Hat films related and we can't wait to tell you guys all about it!

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