Cooking with Strangers

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Goosebumps rose on my arms, the hairs of my arm standing on end. The store always seemed cold whenever I came here. Maybe it's a marketing ploy to make us shop faster, I thought to myself as I pushed my cart towards the lemon stand. Gently I picked up each lemon, feeling them in the palm of my hand.

"Not this one" I mumbled, "Not this one either."

"Lemons, huh? Are you making something tasty tonight ma'am?" A friendly voice asked from behind me.

Turning around I saw a smiling man wearing a name tag saying, "Gary" and "it's my pleasure to serve you."

"Yes actually! It's my birthday today. I'm making my favorite dinner," I smiled back motioning to the spices and herbs in my cart.

"Hm, well happy birthday! But, shouldn't someone else be cooking for you on your birthday?" He asked chuckling.

"Well no one else knows my secret ingredient."

"Your secret ingredient?"

I felt my face grow dark for a moment. He wanted it. He wanted my secret ingredient. That's why he came over here. He only wanted to know it. He probably didn't even work here. He probably stole the name tag from some poor employee to trick me.

I watched as his face started to look concerned as my face contorted. His eyes seemingly looking through me as his mind raced to understand what he said wrong.

Within seconds I felt my mask return and I smiled sweetly, "Well it wouldn't be a secret ingredient if I told you, haha."

His face relaxed as the tension disappeared, waving he said, "Well, if you need help finding anything feel free to ask. It's my pleasure to serve you."

With that he walked a little way away to start stocking the vegetables.

Softly I placed one of the lemons in my cart. I looked him over once again before heading towards the self-checkout. He stood tall as he placed golden potatoes on a sale stand. His cheeks flush with blood and gently tanned by the sun. His arms were slender and slightly toned. His legs covered with simple jeans, but I knew. I just knew. He must have been a morning runner. I could tell by his stance, and the way he walked. I made mental notes about him I wanted to make sure I remembered "Gary" for next time. Maybe next week I could come back, and we could become fast friends. I could invite him over. He could help me cook. Thinking of my freezer I bit my lip.

I would be using the last of my secret ingredient tonight, after all.

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