Here Is the Plan and Go-4

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Authors P.O.V

The cathedral bells starting ringing and the people starting to go in.

The fighter had stayed quiet and acted like he had just arrived in the roof top to seem like he wasn't there...but he didn't fool a certain shapeshifter between the duo who chose to ignore. The fighter sits on balcony reading his book calmly but soon putting it away from his hold into his inventory, while he does that the one called Tae looks at the bunny at the balcony and narrows his eyes Why was he listening?? the shapeshifter thinks ,confused, eyeing the shorter male next to him.

The male named Tae soon gets distracted by the male at the pedestal in the front of the cathedral named Eik.

"who is ready to fight the beast?!?!" he raised his sword again making everyone cheer again, someone else has different thoughts.

A certain lil meow meow P.O.V

I looked at the balcony to see the strange kid again heh... this will be interesting... I get up and move infront of the crowd that seems to be wild because of the barbarian riling them up. I groan seeing as they wont pay attention to me, I look at the barbarian to catch
their attention.

Which he understood by yelling out "Listen Up!" The whole crowd looks up at the front and looks at me which I stood tall (for my height) and starts telling out my plans

"So I have a plan!" I yell out "mages! You will be in the first to attack together to take off health but remember stay back! Rangers! You will also combine with the mages and attack with them make sure you all are spread out and aim for the head dont kill out own people understand?" I see nods of approval making me smile a bit

"Good, while the beast is distracted summoners! Summon as much beasts or creatures you can! So we wont be attacking and get hurt before we even start!" The kid on the balcony listen and is kinda leaning over the edge good..hes listening.. "Knights or Paladins! Shield or block off any attacks that are sent out! Half of you help out the barbarians and warriors to set out towards the beast to help out the mages, summons from the summoners and the rangers and half of you protect the healers!"

I pant quietly from yelling not used to it and looks up again "Shapeshifters! Half of you help the Thiefs and Martial artist to get closer to the beast if you want carry some warriors with you then you can! Make sure you keep an eye out to see big attacks and warn the rest..lets do this!!"

I take a deep breath and release it again looking up to see the whole crowd cheering again and see the kid on the balcony clapping and nodding his head. I see his lips move a bit from the moved mask

Good job..

I take a deep breath and go back to Jin who pats my back making me smile sheepishly "when did you think of it?" I look up and looks at the crowd "Oh..well when we were eating.." I chuckle a bit until I feel a hand ruffling my hair making me pout slightly.

"Alright! Lets start heading towards the beast!!" Eik said in an excited voice

Lets go~

I get hit on my back which I scowl a bit and turn to see who it is, surprised I see its a certain ball of sunshine.

"Heeeyyyy!! Did you forget about meee??" I think his name is hobi..? "Well if you dont remember me Your my hope, im your hope! Immm J-hopee!! Or hobi!" He laughs while I chuckle slightly to.

"Hey hobi, how have you been doing?" He nods slightly and looks up at Jin who seems to be staring.

"Ah! Sorry im J-hope or Hobi whichever is fine to call me! im assuming your sugas friend?" He says slightly nervously

"Ah..sorry as well, didn't mean to stare but yes I am sugas friend! Nice to meet you" Jin says in a shocked face which to I chuckle at that while they shake hands slightly.

"You did well in front sounds like a solid plan you got there" an unfamiliar voice comes out which makes me, Jin and hobi turn around and see the short hooded figure.

"Ah...uhm thank you.." I tilt my head a bit and see his outfit has changed

" I tilt my head a bit and see his outfit has changed

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(Not minee credits to the person who made this)

I wonder why..? I shrugged it off and looks at the hooded figure. "Did you like it? The plan I mean.." Why am I asking if he likes it? I hear a soft hum "I sure did..seemed reasonable" I relax my body and nods

"Uhm..I have a question..would you like to be in a group with me and these two idiots?" I chuckle when I hear 'hey!' And 'how rude!' Making the hooded figure giggle and shrug "I guess so..promise me not to ask anything about myself...just know how much health"

"Will that get you in the team?" I ask questionably

"If thats a deal than yeah.." he says sheepishly

"Alright I will send you all a party invite" has he never been in a group? Im going to know what his looks, age, level, and class he is..

"Alright I accept" Jin

"Done!" J-hope

I heard a small hum from what Im thinking its the kid, I nod ready to go.

"We should head over to the group" they all said a small alright or just nodded and start walking with the group.

I look down at the kid "Can I ask a question?" The kid returned a hum making me slightly mad since I seem older.. "What should we call you?" The kid seems to think..

"Justin seagull..."

I look at him along with Jin and Hobi.. "Justin seagull?" Hold up..hold up "Justin seagull? For real?" I stare at him confused while he nods " or you can call me Ian.." He says embarrassed, which I nod to and start laughing my gummy smile coming out "Justin seagull was that the FIRST thing that came out of your mouth?!" I calm my laughing and see that Jin and hobi have wide eyes, I just rub my eyes since they are filled with tears.

I look at "Ian" or "Justin seagull" and sees he has his head down embarrassed you can say.

Well this will be fun..but we have

The Plan and we go win..

ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

Words: 1114

Haii kumashiro here! Sorry I updated this late! I havent been motivated in anything but I will leave

Made by kumashiro!

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