New School

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Rainbowdash stands at the front of the big school, pretty nervous. She hold the ends of her sleeps to stop them from somehow rolling up. Shes a bit too shy about walking in so she stood at the front like an idiot. She wanted to run and hide but she couldn't move for some reason. After afew minutes of waiting she saw a group of 5 girls who stood out from the crowd.

One had orange skin and red/yellow wavy hair, another one had straight pink hair and yellow skin, one had the messiest pink hair I've ever seen and pink skin, another had the whites white skin and gorgeous curly purple hair. The last one. Oh god she was an absolute hottie. She had orange skin and shiny blonde hair in a loose ponytail, she also wore a brown leather hat. The purple haired girl suddenly looked at her.

She blushed and hid her face. Especially from the blondie. She was so nervous about being bullied all over again. For multiple reasons. She sees her whisper to her friends. Rainbowdash panicks and runs away to hide behind a bush. "Ugh great going rainbow" she tells herself. She peeks through to see the hot blonde girl walking towards her. Panic again.

Rainbowdash tried to act cool and the girl walks to her. "Hey I'm Applejack you look like a new girl" she said smiling. Suddenly she looked like she's seen a ghost but shook her head and continued talking. "I'm Rainbowdash" she says loud about for Applejack to hear. "And I am a new girl" she answers. Applejack sits down. So far so good. Dash thinks.

"Sooo where ya from?" Applejack asks. "Cloudsdale high" rainbow answers. "Ah the school on top of that big hill? Cool" they have a casual small talk. Applejack tries mentioning her family but it made Rainbowdash really upset. She started crying. Her mother and father have died so now she's living with her abusive grandparents. Applejack saw her hurt. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know it was a sensitive topic" Applejack leaned closer and gave Rainbowdash a hug.

Rainbow realised this and looked up. She was face to face with applejack. "Jee you are a pretty thing aren't ya?" Applejack said. "What..." Rainbowdash pulled away and got up tried to hide her furious blush. Applejacks face also went a bit red. "I/I'm sorry it just came out... uhh" she said. "So where's your first class?" Applejack asks trying to change the subject. Oh right she hasn't checked yet...

Rainbow pulls out her time table and scans it. "I have maths first CG3 ugh I hate maths" she realised her complaint and covered her mouth. Applejack senses this. "Cool your in the class with me and sunset!" Applejack said. It's like she just assumed dash knew who this sunset girl was. The bell sounded. "Time to go" she tells her.

Dash was really surprised by her next move. Aj grabs her hand and holds it. They walk together hand in hand to class. Rainbowdash is furiously blushing and trying to hide it. From afar Rarity is spying on them. She is burning with jealousy.

As they get to class aj let's go of rainbow she untenses and her blush dies down. She goes to sunset and again, she looked like she's seen a ghost when dash went near her. She tried to play cool. What's everyone looking at me like that for? I mean only 2 people but still! Dash thinks. "Hey I'm Sunset Shimmer! And you are?" Sunset hold and hand out to dash hoping she'll take it so she could read her mind.

"Sorry I don't shake hands but hi I'm Rainbowdash" she replies. What is this strong feeling? Could it be?... sunset thinks. Rainbowdash has a strong energy coming off her. Suddenly the teacher comes through to the hall. "Come in students" he calls out.

Sunset sits next Applejack at the back. She looks for a spot and sees applejack motion her over. She feels a slight tingle in her feet and walks over. "Sit here" Applejack says pulling out the chair for rainbow. Rainbowdash sits down. The girls seem to be whispering about something but she can't hear them.

"Yeah I know I felt it too!" Sunset tells Applejack. "What should we do? I mean another girl completely anonymous with magic!?" "Maybe we should let Twilight know" Sunset replies. "Ooo more excuses just to see your 'sugar baby' heh" Applejack teases. "Omg shut up that was one time!" Sunset teases back.

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