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When she wakes up she sees the girls faces. "You... you.." she points and them. "Calm down" Sunset tells her. "We're sorry" she says. She notices someone's arm around her.

It's applejack...

She tries to hide a blush and applejack can see she's uncomfortable so she sadly steps away. Rarity is still at the back of the room waiting for rainbow to notice her.

"You guys have super powers!!!" She yells. "This is so cool! My friends have super powers!!!" She gets so exited. "Well dash. You have powers too" Sunset said. Rainbow got lightheaded and collapsed but applejack caught her just in time! "Thanks AJ" she says.

"You just need to discover them" FlutterShy added in. "Rarity have anything you want to say?" Sunset adds in. Rarity obviously panicked thinking dash would hate her for what she did. "I'm so sorry I only hurt you cause I just love Applejack so much and other stuff I can't tell you yet but I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me and be friends" she says crying. Rainbowdash thinks for a moment. "Ok rarity I forgive you" she says. Rarity looks so happy and hugs dash. She notices applejack staring at her. She looks so happy that rainbow forgave rarity.

"Let's go get ice cream!!!" Pinkie Pie yelled. The girls cheered. Rainbowdash notices rarity wearing a jacket. But it's super hot outside. "Rarity it's really hot outside why are you wearing that?" Rainbow asks. Rarity tears up a bit and says "I can really feel the heat that much so this is more for fashion" she lied. She dosent want to tell anyone the truth...

The girl got into sunsets car which is a 7 seater. Her and twilight sat in the front. FlutterShy, pinkie and rarity sat in the back and applejack and Rainbowdash sat in the boot. The rest of the girls were lively and talking and it was awkward silence between AJ and rd for a bit.

Suddenly rainbow chirped up. "So how long have you girls had your powers for?" She asks. Applejack looks at dash and she looks away out of nervousness. "Well we discovered them a bit back at a camp with the school. There was an evil spirit named giya everfree..."

(Sorry if I spelled her name wrong eek -,-')

"...and we suddenly got powers at camp and it turns out it was the crystals around her neck. We each got one but there was one left over so we assumed it belonged to her. Maybe if we go back there you can discover your power" she says. Rainbowdash was listening patiently. "Oh that's so cool!" She exclaims. "But what makes you think it's me?" She adds. "Because of the energy coming from you. It's the same energy I feel when I'm around the others"she explains. "I'm the element of honesty, rarity generousity, pinkie laughter, FlutterShy kindness, twilight magic and sunset... well we don't for sure know hers... listen there's ALOT to explain about this magic business so how about I come over to your place after school tomorrow and we can discuss it. By the way no words to anybody about this" she says. After that long speech dash kinda zoned out but she snapped back in and agreed.

They were just starring at eachother and unknowingly holding hands then pinkie pie yelled "WERE HERE!!!!"

They snapped out of it and blushed. All the girls walked in to get ice cream!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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