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Rainbowdash wakes up in a white room. Her vision is blurred but it only takes her a few seconds to notice the orange figure in the distance. It was Applejack! Her vision slowly returned. Applejack was asleep? "Aj" no response. "Applejack!" She yells. Applejack wakes up suddenly and stretches. She notices dash awake. "RAINBOWDASH!!" Applejack suddenly gives her a big hug and dosent let go. "You got hit in the head by Rarity and you've been asleep for 3 days!" She explains.

3 days god I have so many questions! "Also I broke up with Rarity... which is... *sigh* I-I guess it was for the best..." Applejack pulls away. "It's ok to be sad about her aj" she says. She grabs applejacks chin and lifts it up so they're looking into each other's eyes.

"T-thanks rainbow" Applejack was blushing. "You know my head really hurts to be honest" she suddenly says trying to change the subject. "Yeah she hit you pretty hard. And we still haven't told you the last really important detail. But we need all the girls together to do it" Applejack says. Ugh why can they just tell me already!? She thinks.

A doctor walks in with a smile. "You are free to go!" She says with a smile. Applejack smiles and the doctor walks out. "I'll help you walk" she offers. "Nono it's fine" Rainbowdash replies. She gets up and tries to stand but falls backwards into applejacks lap. They sit there for a moment blushing furiously. "IMSOSORRYIMSOSORRYIMSOSORRY" Rainbowdash says hopping off. "You haven't been standing for afew days so the doctor said you'll need crutches just for a week to help you walk again" Applejack says, still blushing furiously. She hands sash the crutches and away they go.

At rainbowdashs house the rest of her friends were waiting, even Rarity. Rarity felt super guilty and she even cut her wrist cause she was so guilty. The car ride home was awkward silence. "Uh hey do you think I could come in for a few minutes? To like..." Applejack couldn't find a way to finish the sentence without giving away the surprise. "Sure" rainbow thankfully said. "Both my parents to fly in fly out so I get the house to myself for weeks at a time" she adds.

They both walk in and rainbow goes up to her room where they're waiting. Applejack helps her walk up the stairs. Both of them blush hardly as applejack hold dash's waist. "Th-thanks..." dash says. She opens the door to her room and there the girls are! People that she's barely even met are in her room. "W-what the heck? How do you guys get in my house?" She yelled. "We really need to talk Rainbowdash" A blue haired girl that I didn't remember said. "How do you all know my name" she asked. "I promise all your questioned will be answered to the best on my ability" Sunset said.

"You see.. each of us girls, including applejack has magical powers. Ok yes strange and pretty unbelievable but it's true. My name is Twilight Sparkle and I am a pony princess from an alternate universe called equestria" she explains. Dash was finding all of this really hard to take in. Sunset sighed. "I used to be evil, I wanted power and magic, so I stole princess twilights crown which was full of magic and took it to this world to rule over it, causing magic to escape into this world, the portal is just in front of our school" Sunset explains. "What does this have to do with me? And you guys are just making it up there's no way this is real" rainbow says. "Welll... here's one. Think of something and give me your hand" Sunset says. Rainbowdash thinks of the first thing that comes to her mind which is Applejack. Too late sunsets already touched her.

"I-i... uh" Sunset stutters after pulling away. "What was she thinking?" Applejack asks. "Nothing!" Sunset says. She whispers to Applejack. "She was thinking of you...." Applejack starts blushing badly. "Thing or something less... personal" she thinks of pretzels. Sunset grabs her arm. "Your thinking of pretzels" she winks. Dash was in shock! "Look" twilight says. She starts lifting up random things in the room. Rainbowdashs jaw drops. Pinkie pie threw sprinkles and they exploded in mid air. "Come with me" Applejack said. They all went out the back and suddenly applejack lifts up the entire house! "I-I think I'm gonna..." Rainbowdash says. She suddenly faints. "Rainbow!" Applejack says. She puts the house down and runs to dash. "Maybe don't let so much on her at once..." FlutterShy suggested.

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