Creepypasta (Jeff the killer x reader )Fate brought us together darling

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Readers Pov


The snow lightly landed on my cheek, melting it on my warm skin . my feet crunched on the heavy snow that laid on the ground . the wind was rapid and strong , almost blowing me away . in the corner of my eye i noticed a red shiny liquid spilt on the pure white snow . blood . My breath hitched and I franticly whipped my head around to find the source of the blood . there was a trail leading to a dark scary forest outside of the park I was walking through to get home after a hard day of work . I followed the bloody trail , unsure of what's to come . the trail lead me deep in the forest but the pools of blood got deeper and a bit more scattered . I was slowly panicking and debating on going back to the park and calling the cops but I wanted to be sure on the bleeding persons safety . when I was about to turn back and give up my search I heard a low moan behind a wide tree . quickly I went around the tree to the other side and gasped at the sight . there laid a boy my age with long messy black hair , white chalk skin and a huge smile that seem to have been cut on the cheeks . he had multiple slash wounds on his stained white jumper , probably caused by a knife . I ran up to the almost dying boy. " A-are you ok ?!? " I shrieked but the boy merely glanced at me with a tired and shocked expression . " what am I saying! Of course you are not ok !". I adjusted the strap to my hand bag and snuck my arm under him to lift him up . the boy moaned louder at this action "s-sorry ! But I need to take you home to heal you ! " . I boy seemed to distracted to bother answering back but of course ! He was dying for Christ sake ! I was finally able to lift the boy bridal style even though I was small and fragile I had a strong enough bodyto lift his heavy weight. I then began rushing through the forest to the direction of my house through a short cut I knew .

It took some time to treat the poor fella but he now laid on my double bed with bandages covering his whole torso. I had to admit that he was cute and I blushed through the whole operation of cleaning his wounds and bandaging him .I watched as his small chest inhaled and exhaled calmly. I shook my head noticing that what I was doing was creepy . hopefully he will wake up soon.

~~~~~|next day|~~~~~

"I'm home !" I sang as I entered the house after a long tiring day of school and work . the main reason I said 'I'm home' was because I wanted to let the stranger know I was home instead of him having a heart attack . when I heard no response, I settled all my things on the kitchen counter and made my way to the bedroom. I froze in shock to see he wasn't there and the window open . I franticly searched the house for the boy but was no where to be seen . ' I can't believe he left through the window '.

~~~~~|week later|~~~~~

I always have the feeling that I've been watched ever since I helped the boy . I keep telling myself that it's nothing but I still can't help feeling that there are eyes starring at me where ever I go . I was now walking again through the park after work , on my way home but I couldn't help but glance at the forest and think about the boy . 'I hope he's ok !'. I suddenly heard a crunch behind me and I snapped my head over my shoulder to see what it is . there was nothing there. feeling now tense and cautious I continued my way home.

~~~~|few days later|~~~~~

I hazily walked into my bedroom and flopped onto my comfy bed. "so tired" I mumbled into the sheets feeling the wave of sleepiness take over me . before I could change into my pjs I again had that feeling . I , of course ,wanted to change my clothes else where , you know some where I don't feel like someone is watching me change . I made my way to the bathroom and dressed myself into my pjs . I returned to my room and let myself fall onto the bed again . I got under the cold covers and was about to go to sleep until I heard a



I froze and debated on going to the window to check out the sound . after a long erie silence I heard it again but louder.

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