Chapter 5: My Dearest Evangelina

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A/N: Evangelina ^

This is a flashback chapter

Evangelina's P.O.V

~Two weeks before the wedding~

I was running as fast as my legs could possibly carry me. Up through the wide streets of the kingdom. It was early morning so not many people were up and about. Those who were would greet me with smiles and 'good mornings' as I passed. Even if my mind was focused on other things I still stopped to reply with a 'hello' or a 'good morning.'

'I can't wait to tell him!' I thought to myself.

I stopped at the bottom of the stone steps that led up to the castle, and I took that as a moment to compose my very giddy self and to catch my breath. Although my composed self lasted as much as a few seconds and I lost my breath almost immediately as I set of running up the steps.

The first place I looked was the throne room. To my disappointment, he wasn't there.

"Of course he wouldn't be here this early..." I muttered, a sombre expression carved into my features. "But.." I turned on the balls of my feet to face the door I had just entered through, "He could possibly be..."

I took off running once again and made my way up another flight of stairs.

I stopped when I reached two tall doors, made of the most beautiful dark oak. I took a deep inhale, followed by a soft exhale, and pushed the, now a lot heavier than I remember, doors open.

"Father I have such wonderful news to tell you!" I beamed, but my smile soon disappeared because of what I had walked in on. The long table, made of the same dark oak as the doors, had 12 lords seated at it, 6 on each side (I only recognised 2, Lord Scilus of the Red Lion and Lord Thornrose of the Golden Eagle, nobody knew his first name). 

Their attention had clearly been taken from my father and was now directed towards me.

I cleared my throat, "my sincerest apologies for my intrusion, my lords." They offered me kind smiles and Lord Scilus spoke up "No need to apologise, Lady Evangelina. It seems you would like to share some important news with your father." As he spoke he gestured towards my father, who was seated at the head of the table.

I smiled graciously at him before turning my own attention to my smiling father.

"What is it my dear Lina?" He spoke as he arose from his chair. 

"Well-" I made my way over to him with my hands neatly behind my back.

Everyone in the room were waiting with pure anticipation, well all except Lord Thornrose of course as he knew. 

I took my left hand from behind my back and my father spotted the ring, making his eyes light up with joy. "Braxen may have asked for my hand in marriage" I smiled up at him, "and I was wondering if we may have your blessing...?"

My father gave a hearty laugh and enveloped me in a big hug. The 12 lords all stood up and clapped as my father let me go.

"You're asking for my blessing? My darling you don't need to. I am happy that you chose to follow your heart" by now tears were beginning to brim in his eyes. "You remind me so much of your mother."

The applause ceased as I looked at him with a soft smile "Yet I have the courage and bravery of my father."

~Two months after the wedding~

"No. NO! Tell me it's not true!" My face was red from tears as more just kept flowing freely from my eyes.

I could scream and cry all I wanted, no one would respond. 

I felt as though I was trapped in the darkness, I felt so alone.

But I'm not alone, Braxen is still here.....somewhere.

I wiped my tears away with my hands and decided that enough was enough. I stood up and ran to the one place I wouldn't feel so alone. My home.

It seems like hours had passed, as it was once again the early morning. 

I tried greeting people as I passed the citizens but it seems no one batted an eyelid to my distressed state, nor even said a cheery good morning to me. I backed away from them and made my way towards the stone steps.

Bursting inside the castle was normal for me so I wasn't surprised when people didn't look at me. 

I heard familiar voices coming from the throne so I made my way there. My eyes widened in horror from the scene I was witnessing.

It was my father, although he didn't look very much like himself. His skin looked more grey, and his face had sunken. The sight alone was enough to make the tears start to pour once more.

I ran over and knelt in front of him. I took his left hand with my right and squeezed it gently. "I'm here now father, it's okay. You do not have to be afraid any more." I assured him.

He muttered something, but due to our close proximity I could understand what he was saying.

"Where are you?"

"I'm here, by your side father." I said once again.

"Where are you?" He repeated.

I noticed how his once hazel-bronze eyes were now clouded with gold.

His head turned to where I was knelt but it was like, through his eyes, I wasn't even there.

I reluctantly let go of his hand and took at least 5 steps back, his head never moving from its fixed position to follow my own movements.

"I'm right here Father! Can't you see?!" I was practically screaming through my tears by this point.

"Come back..."

It wasn't until he spoke those two words that I understood what had really happened.

I refused to move as he spoke again.

"Come back home. Come back to me." He paused as I watched tears roll down his aged face. I felt helpless knowing I couldn't wipe them away.

"My dearest Evangelina..."  

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 5 of Ruled By Kings
Chapter 6 should be out soon

Catch You Later~

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