Chapter 9

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"If you had listened to I wouldn't've done that!" Adamai shouted at Yugo. (Great way to start this chapter don't you think?)

"What choice did I have?! Stop Ogrest or let the world drown a second time!?" Yugo yelled back.

"Oh so we're going back to this argument?"

"Was I supposed to let the Sadida Kingdom drown? Let the world flood again!?"

"You only wanted to save the Sadida Kingdom because you like Amalia!"

"That's not true!"

"Oh really?"

Eva stomped into the room and separated the two. "Boys. That's enough. Stop fighting."

With that, Adamai angrily turned into a bird and flew away. Yugo sighed. "I'll go apologize." Eva stopped him. 

"Yugo, it's not always your fault, he picked a fight this time." Amalia pointed out.

"No, it was my fault, I brought up Oropo, I know he doesn't like to think about what happened, and despite it being months ago we still don't know if the Dofus were destroyed, no doubt he's upset about that, because not only could this be our last life, there were other eliatropes and dragons in the dofus."

"Yugo, what do you mean your last life?" Dipper questioned, he and Mabel had walked in during the fight.

"Adamai and I are part of a group of twelve, six eliatropes and their six dragon siblings, the twelve of us reincarnate once both the Eliatrope and their sibling pass and their Wakfu has returned to their dofus, a dragon egg. The six dofus might have been destroyed a few months ago, we were looking for them when we got stuck here. If the dofus have been destroyed. When Adamai and I die, we won't be reincarnated. We'll be gone. Forever." Yugo started to leave, "I've gotta go find Adamai."


Yugo walked with Dipper and Mabel into town, looking for Adamai. "Any idea where he would go Yugo?" dipper asked.

Yugo nodded. "Usually whenever we're on adventures, if we reach a town, he heads straight for somewhere with food."

"Lazy Susan's diner." Mabel exclaimed as she rushed off. 

"That's not a very nice name..."

"It's because she has a lazy eye, long story, Grunkle Stan can tell you later, it's his fault after all."


The three stepped into the diner, Yugo immediately spotted Adamai, but Dipper and Mabel couldn't tell it was him. "I don't see him..." Dipper mumbled.

Yugo pointed at Adamai. "He can shape-shift remember."

"Oh right."

Yugo walked quietly over to Adamai and sat next to him. "Well that didn't take you long." Adamai mumbled.

Dipper gave a confused look. "When we get in fights he leaves, and that makes me panic because the last time I didn't immediately go to find him after a fight.... Well that's what we were fighting about earlier."

"What happened?" Mabel asked.

Yugo looked at his brother, who sighed. "Fine. You can tell them."

"Adamai disappeared for a few months, and joined the las psychopath we fought. I spent day and night looking for him, until he..."

"I almost killed Dally." Adamai mumbled. "But I know for a fact that Yugo didn't eat at all while I was gone because I have to remind him to eat half the time."

"I ate while you were gone."

"Did Ruel have to tell you to?"

".... Maybe."

"In other words, you fell apart when I left because I'm your brother and you need me."

Yugo nodded. "I'm sorry I brought up You-Know-Who."

"You're fine, I overreacted."

"We should probably head back to the shack, seeing as that's the one place that you guys are safe from Bill and I don't think it would end well if he somehow was able to possess Adamai." Dipper pointed out.

"It would not be good. Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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