Chapter 67: A Peaceful Death

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Culter lunged. Libro had only mere moments to raise his weapon just as the albino was upon him. The stiletto darted out, missing flesh my a meager inch, the point stabbing into the rough iron ax head instead.

Libro jumped back, pushing off his heel. He swung the ax, but Culter was faster. He slipped underneath, striking back like a viper. The stiletto flashed, ripping into the shoulder of Libro's chain hauberk. Broken ringlets tinkled to the ground.

"You cannot hope to win, child," Tyrannus boasted closeby. "I have felt this guardsman's mind. He is a true killer, unlike you. You cannot hope to beat him."

Libro's comeback came out short as Culter dove for him again. He lashed, hitting only air, the albino having dropped to his knees. He sprang up, kicking Libro across the jaw, making his teeth click.

Culter was upon him the moment he hit the ground. The albino drove a knee into Libro's chest, knocking the breath out of him. The stiletto flashed in his vision as it came sailing like an arrow straight towards his throat.

Stars and darkness swept across Libro's vision. He expected pain, instead feeling a hand grab him roughly by the collar, hauling him back to his feet.

"Are you all right?" Regis patted him across the chest. "Did Culter stick you anywhere?"

"I'll live," said.

"I always knew that little bastard was a traitor. Never thought he'd join the Ministry, though." Regis turned to where Culter had slinked off too. The albino crouched, glaring at the both of them.

"Culter's on our side," Libro tried to assure him, although the look Regis gave said otherwise. "It's Tyrannus." He added." He's controlling him with magick."

"Bagh," Regis spat. "Damn Ministers never play fair. Guess that means I can't kill him then?"

"I would prefer it if you didn't."

"Then things just got a whole lot harder," Libro watched in horror as Regis charged after Culter, sweeping his blade in an arc. The albino dipped and slid across the stones before standing back upright. He leaped at Regis, the stiletto a needle of nebulous dark in the cold, pale light, landing dangerously close to striking. Blades were crossed before they both stepped back.

It was like a dance, Libro thought, both moving against the other. Each of them cutting and feinting, searching for an opening. And all around them, the rebels and brothers screamed as they hacked away at each other, like some bloody chorus. But something had to give. It always does.

It was over in an instant. Regis was coming back from a backswing, but Culter was too quick. He folded himself under the blade, snapped back, and sank the stiletto into the meat of Regis' calf, punching through the other side.

Regis screamed. He dropped to a knee, clutching at his punctured leg. Culter moved, pulling the stiletto out before kicking Regis in the back of the head. The Danic prince crumpled into a heap on the floor.

Libro watched in horror as Culter turned and slowly stalked towards him. The albino had a crooked smile plastered on his face, made all the more unnatural by the green glow of possession in his eyes.

Libro took a step back, trying to put distance between Culter. He moved further and further until his back met a ledge. He looked down just as a small piece of stone broke off, tumbling downward before being swallowed up by the void.

Looking back, Libro watched as Culter closed the distance between them. There was a hungry look in his eyes, like that of a serpent just about to strike.

"Culter," Libro's throat felt impossibly dry just then. "It's me. I know you're in there. You've got to break free from Tyrannus' control. You've got to fight it." His words seemed to have little effect however, as Culter broke into a run and lunged.

Tales of the Vangen: The Black Ministry's Betrayal (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now