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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇: THE ONE


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The whole school was busy, crowding around the halls and going in and out of classes to add final touches on their costumes and prepare the events. Basically today was a free day: no classes or anything. Instead, the students just hung around. Luckily for Nari, the third years' hallway weren't as crowded as the second years' and first years — only a couple of third years were in the hall. Including Chan, Minho and Changbin who stood besides the lockers talking.

Nari and Miyeon stood in the next hall, close enough to have the boys in their sight. Miyeon's friends were participating in their classrooms events, so it was just Nari and Miyeon. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Miyeon looked hesitant as she looked at the arrow Nari was admiring in her hands.

"Just like we discussed, I'll throw it their way and you just stay here. They'll most likely come over to investigate so look confident and make yourself a little bit suspicious, okay?" Nari looks down at Miyeon's shadow, smiling to herself.

"How about you?"

"I'll be hiding. You got this, okay? Prove to my mother you're capable of doing these things," As Nari said that, Miyeon's confidence suddenly boosted. "Of course!" She salutes and Nari peeks over to where the boys where.

"Alright," Nari whispers, aiming towards Chan's face. This was just supposed to be a warning. If they get hurt or not isn't Nari's problem, she just wants to confirm to them that their enemy is indeed in this school and are closer than they think. Miyeon couldn't even process what happened next as suddenly the arrow flew full speed towards the boys' direction and Nari had vanished within thin air.

"Chan!" Changbin exclaimed and Miyeon took it as a cue to get herself ready. Her heart was beating rapidly, nervousness washing over her. Don't mess up, Miyeon lets out her breath and opens up her locker, pretending she was going through it.

Suddenly, a figure appeared besides her which caught the girl off guard at how quick he appeared. Miyeon looked at the boy who she recognized as Minho.

He slams a hand to her locker to shut it, a loud slam echoed through the hallways. "Was that you?" He questions making Miyeon look at him confused. He had an obviously angered face expression painted on his face but Miyeon played dumb. "What was me?"

"You're the one that shot that arrow. Aren't you in archery?" Minho got closer to her, Miyeon stepping back until her back was against the lockers. Crap, I forgot all about that, Miyeon thought. But then again that's good because now he'll most likely suspect me.

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