| Act 1 | The Moon |

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| Act 1 | The Moon | Scene 1: The Hobbit Hole | Start | 

"Fili, where are we headed?" Nila asked. The girl had hair as red as blood that was slightly curly, yet no beard. Her eyes shined of the iciest blue of gems, and her skin sung of a light beige the was as clear as day. She looked exactly as her mother, Dilina did.

The two had wed one year prior. Thorin had given her away in the purest white of gowns her sister, Dila, had sewn.

"Patience, love. We will be there soon." He assured.

They were an unlikely couple, with her being a quieter, though not totally quiet, dreamer, and he a loud adventurer.

"Are we in the Shire, Kili?" Her sister asked. Dila, the younger of the two by three years, had brunette hair that was straight, but equally as long, it also held a tinge of rust color red in it. As most dwarf women do, she had a faint beard. Her eyes gave the effect she was blind, they were such a pale green. Her skin was tan, and she looked akin to her father.

These two - Kili and Dila - were an ideal pair. Complimenting personalities and ideals made them perfect.

The moon was out, and the pair of sisters desired to stare at it for a while. Their father, God rest his soul, took them star gazing every night he could. He, much like Fili and Kili's father, was best friends with Thorin. As such, Thorin took the role of 'Father' for Nila and Dila as well as Fili and Kili.

"I think so, oh! Mr. Boggins' house is right there!" Kili pointed to a house in the ground.

"Curious..." Nila had spoken.

"Quaint." Dila had finished with a smile.

"Mother would love it." Nila turned to her sister, speaking.

Fili knocked on the door, only for the four to hear the unfortunate grumblings of a Hobbit, male by the sound of it, followed by a female, "Bilbo, please, allow Bilba and I to-."

"Fili," the blond spoke.

"And Kili," the younger spoke next.

"At your service." They bowed.

The brothers walked in, Fili unloading his weapons onto a brown haired hobbit, with what looked to be a sister and wife behind him.

"Nila," the older of the two girls curtsied, "Wife of Fili,"

"And Dila, sister of Nila," the other, brunette one, curtsied.

"Please allow us to help." They spoke in unison as the brothers did.

"Wonderful." Bilbo said, throwing the weapons on the ground.

"I do apologize for my husband and brother in law, Mrs..."

"Baggins. And Baggins. Sister in law." The pregnant one said.

"Oh! How wonderful! I wish I had a sister in law." Nila smiled.

"You have your own." Dila laughed.

Bilba smiled, "Bilba. Twin sister of Bilbo." She shook the sisters' hands.

"Erna. 6 month pregnant wife of Bilbo." Erna smiled at the two, fixing the discarded weapons.

"Oh! Boy or girl? I myself am a midwife." Nila spoke.

"I could make the wee child a few outfits. I'm a seamstress." Dila finished.

"Girl." Erna smiled, "I think. Bilbo wishes me wrong." She giggled.

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