Bragging Rights

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Bragging Rights

"Shut up, bitches. I need to get laid. I need to get laid REALLY BAD. So bad that I am going to run naked through the streets and grind a cop if something doesn't happen soon. Will one of you just lie on me and rub around for like, ten minutes?". Amelia rants. And Addison Offers. Amelia/Addison. Rated M.

"Shut up, bitches. I need to get laid. I need to get laid REALLY BAD. So bad that I am going to run naked through the streets and grind a cop if something doesn't happen soon. Will one of you just lie on me and rub around for like, ten minutes?" Amelia rants.

"I thought you and Mark..." Addison replies.

"That was WEEKS ago, which in sex years is like -" Amelia rants again.

And at this point, Addison is no longer paying attention to Violet's suggestion of Sheldon and waits for her and Sheldon to leave before bursting into laughter with Amelia.

Addison wraps her arm around Amelia's shoulder and asks her to come to watch her deliver a baby as they laugh. But just as an excuse to guide her right to her office.

Ah, pardon me Addie but I don't exactly see a baby around here anywhere?" Amelia snarks at Addison who is closing the blinds to her office windows.

"Don't like sunlight or something?" Amelia snarks at her, still confused.

And then Addison turns around to look at Amelia with a scathing look in her eye and Amelia just KNOWS that one of her biggest fantasies was about to become a reality.

"So will you settle for just ten minutes or do you want me to push all of my consults for the morning" Addison hushes in Amelia's ear before biting it.

"Oh god, Addie please push everything now before I start pulling you over this table" Amelia hushes as she wraps her arms ass while Addison dials her telephone.

Amelia squeezes into Addison's ass as she tries to talk with the patients "Yes there has - oh - been an emergency-" Addison stutters as Amelia kisses onto Addison's neck.

"Yes, next Tuesday would be great-" Addison books in the patient as Amelia unbuttons Addison's pants and Addison smiles.

"Alright, I'll see you then-" Addison is cut off by Amelia hanging up the phone abruptly.

Addison pushes all of the supplies off of her desk and her nameplate clatters to the floor. She pushes Amelia who is sitting on the desk down.

She straddles her hips over Amelia's center and guides herself down until she can grind right down onto Amelia's thighs.

"Ooh, Addison right there that feels good" Amelia's eyes roll to the back of her head. Addison palms Amelia's breasts as Amelia sighs.

"You know I've always wanted to be with a woman" Amelia pants. "You might have mentioned it a half a dozen times" Addison smirks.

"Did you know that I've always wanted you? That I fantasize about you?" Amelia smiles. "I didn't but it's turning me on" Addison groans as she grinds her pelvis into Amelia and hits their centers together.

"When I walked home that night and I saw you screwing Mark Sloan and I just watched for a second before I promised you I wouldn't tell my brother, I couldn't stop thinking about that. But I wasn't jealous of you I was jealous of him... because he was kissing you... and I wasn't" Amelia whispers seductively.

"Well, I think we can fix that" Addison finishes and finally kisses Amelia back.

To Addison's surprise, Amelia dominates the kiss and sucks Addison's lips into her own. Addison moans as she opens her lips for Amelia to slide her tongue in and out.

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