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One fair, yet tall tell for told a story of an organization as old as any city itself. You are in that organization, as half expected, you didn't want to be apart of this organization. However, it did kept you safe from all threats. As in almost everyone, they want to learn the secrets of the organization, you don't know what, but they were willingly to do anything to learn it by all means.

You were sitting, reading through papers as you struggle to open your tire eyes. To anyone, it is torture, having to be awake for nearly twenty-four hours with the least minimum sleep. However, to you, it was everyday of your life. You weren't forced to, you choose this way, why? You are so curious to why and how this organization can hear everything from everyone. You weren't allowed to be in specific areas, or even get to hear the recent news. Where only grown ups were allowed, with an exception of children. For whatever reason, you weren't.

It was in that hour, you close your book with loose papers in it. You grab your mask, where it is an all white mask with a beak at the middle, resembling an owl. This is a day, where you are finally allow into that area. You walk down the halls, where the full moon shine the red carpets through the long and skinny windows. You saw hundreds of your family, the males are wearing suits, females donning a dress. All of them are wearing the same mask. Once they look at you, they all begin to look each other, however only one calm them down. You stand beside the railing, looking down at that ugly yellow spotlight that is shining below you. A man, donning a black sack with goggles, he has stripes going over his shoulders and over his chest. He look up, at that moment, you felt empowerment... you don't know why.... but it feels right.

Martha: "Talon.... meet our child, Y/n."

Martha spoke, she is your relative that doesn't speak to you, but it does seem she is the one in control. She isn't young, she is old, possibly hitting into her seventies... or eighties. She turn to you, though you weren't looking at her, you feel the sense of security and danger at the same time.

Martha: "Do you have anyone that you want to sentence? We all know of your little research..."

So that is why they don't want to let you in.... they knew you were searching that something.... now, you learn the names and your curiosity was satisfied, now the list of names is on your hands. You open your mouth, still pearing down at the individual and only spoke the names. You squinted your eyes beneath your mask.

You: "Don Falcone... and Xaiver Maroni."

???: "It will be done...."

He turn, where he disappear into the dark. Another one came in, he was carrying a body by the back of his shirt.

???: "I present to you the former hero, Harvey Bullock!"

Suddenly, many people start to shout: "Kill him!" "Tear his limbs!" "Cut the fingers!" or even "Cut him up!" They were defying loud, however you only focused on the individual who is holding the beaten man. You haven't seen them, were they the other reason they didn't want you be right here and right now?

Martha: "Let the boy choose..."

You knew she was directing it to you, you were confused.

You: "W-What do I do?"

Martha: "Anything..."

You don't know what to say, did he done something wrong? Is he innocent? Why haven't you came here often? You want to let him go... you had an answer. You look down at them, where the reflection of the light blinds you a bit.

You: "Beat him...."

Without any hesitation, he threw him to a ground before beating him, where the blood stains the floor.

Talon: "It will be done!"

As you were watching the man beaten to death, a man approaches Martha and they have their conversation.

Father: "Now our child is finally apart of this. Does that mean the boy passed?"

Martha: "The boy passed, since he is searching for what he knows. We don't have to pay any guy to get our info, he is our info guy. We have to wait... for now, we need him for a special mission. We will give him an allias, going undercover if you will...

Father: "When will he start?"

Martha: "When he is ready..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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