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 Time flies when you're avoiding someone. It's been a full two weeks since I last spoke to Ellie. I did, however, see Jay three days ago. We went to the park together and sat on the swings, talking about different stuff. Since then, I've been thinking a lot about our conversation and I've started to feel like I should've taken that as an opportunity to tell him the truth. I didn't when I should've. Now it's starting to feel like I'll never be able to tell him. Part of me feels like I can't put him through that while the other part of me is begging me to talk to him. After lying in bed and wallowing in my self-loathing and regret for a good two hours, I decide to get up and get ready for the day. I tug on a pair of jeans, a sweater, and my black Vans. I walk downstairs and go to tell my mom I'm going out when my phone starts to ring. It's an unknown number. I answer it and bring the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answer, gesturing to my mom.

She nods as the voice comes through the other end of the phone, "Hey."

It's Ellie.

"Uh, hey." I try to say coolly, but it mostly comes out awkward.

"I'm sorry about the last time we hung out. Like I said, I'd love to make it up to you. Besides, I have to get close to my future sister-in-law, right?" She teases.

I roll my eyes, but the idea of Ellie wanting to hang out with me gets me excited. I frown when I remember our last encounter, though. Maybe this time could be an opportunity to make amends. Maybe she'll even start to act like a normal human being around me. I'm about to open my mouth when Ellie starts up again.

"Before you say no, I'll pay for whatever we decide to do. Plus, you can probably even spend the night if you want! My entire apartment is all put together and I even have some booze." She informs me, although I'm still stuck on the part where she suggested I spend the night.

I grin slightly to myself as I head out the front door, "Okay, you've got my attention. What do you want to do?"

"Well, I'm with Jay at the moment. He's getting gas, so I'm sitting in the truck. I can have him drop me off anywhere." She tells me.

"Do you like paintball?" I smirk to myself when I start the car and back out of the driveway.

"Does a bear shit in the woods?" Ellie retorts with a laugh, "Alright, I'll meet you at Lakeview Paintball Park, then?"

"Mhm," I reply, "Come battle-ready."

I hang up the phone and begin the fifteen minute drive to the paint balling course. I smile to myself. I'm kind of excited to hang out with Ellie, but also a bit nervous. On the bright side, paint balling isn't usually the time to make conversation. It puts my mind slightly at ease to know that I'll at least have that crutch to stand on. I just want to have fun, though. I tap on the steering wheel eagerly as I drive on the freeway. I turn up the radio and I'm there in what feels like no time at all. When I get there, I see Ellie talking to the guy who stands outside the gear shed. I park my car in the gravel lot and approach them casually.

"Hey," I greet them cheerfully.

"Hey, you ready to get destroyed?" Ellie nudges me playfully and I instantly tense up.

I watch as she trots into the shed, "In your dreams."

I follow her and we gather up the things we need. We put on our gear and each of us grab a gun. I pick the blue paintballs and Ellie picks the little pods that look like lightning with black paint inside of them. We step out onto the course and it's like no one is here. I see about three people scattered throughout the field. I turn to ask Ellie if Jay was curious as to why she wanted to be dropped off here, but she's gone. I face forward again and see her sprinting toward the trees. I chuckle and run after her, chasing her until she disappears. I cautiously look around as I slow my pace. I'm determined to win this. I hear some cracking branches and I turn around. A guy draws his gun up and I quickly retaliate by blindly firing by shooting three paintballs into his chest.

He drops his head and storms off through the bushes. I laugh to myself and continue on. I come to the end of the course where there are giant squishy walls around the outside of the trees. I stop and examine my surroundings when I suddenly hear screaming. I turn around to find the source of it, but it's already too late. Ellie comes barreling into me and knocks me into the wall. She presses her body into mine and holds the tip of her gun to my gut. She pulls her helmet off of her head and tosses it on the ground, grinning deviously at me. My heart starts beating quickly and I begin to sweat a bit.

"It looks like this is the end." Ellie narrates triumphantly.

I attempt to move my arms without any success. A twisted smile flashes across her face and then turns to some sort of emotion I can't recognize. Her eyebrows come together and her bottom lip is taken between her teeth. She clenches her jaw for a moment before beaming with delight. She pushes the visor on my helmet up, looking me dead in the eye.

"I still make you nervous."

Ellie steps back for a moment and I want to shoot her so I can win. I want to win so that I can get away from her. I want to lift my arms and pull the trigger but I can't. My body is frozen, my legs feel like jelly, and my mouth is hanging open. I can't imagine how idiotic I must look. She closes the space between us a bit more, tilting her head in confusion.

"Why do I make you nervous?" She asks in a lower tone.

"I-" I make sound, but no words.

Suddenly, my body reacts to my brain's earlier request and my finger squeezes the trigger. I shoot her right in the chest pad. She frowns at me and then looks down at the paint splattered on her chest. Her eyes move back up to mine and her smile betrays her.

"You little cheater!" She exclaims as she reaches for her helmet.

I go rushing through the trees once more. Ellie follows, hot on my heels. I realize I'm laughing maniacally as I jump over a divot in the ground. She yells out as she pounces on me from behind. We start rolling and finally slide to a stop in the patchy grass. I cackle hysterically as Ellie shoots paintball after paintball at my mask, blinding me and causing me to laugh even harder. I push her off and lift the visor up, restoring my vision. With Ellie out of the way, I run all the way back to the center of the course. More people have showed up to the field.

I dart behind cover and when Ellie comes out into the middle of the course, people rain fire on her. She collapses to the ground and crawls to cover. I giggle to myself as I hide behind a large inflatable cube. I sit down and refill my gun, rising again to take aim. When I peek out from behind cover, Ellie stands in front of me. She's completely covered in paint and I can hardly see her face. She points the gun at me and I can just barely make out that devious grin behind her mask.

"So, this is how it all ends?" I ask dramatically.

"Looks like it." Ellie replies in a theatrical voice.

I sigh and turn away, "We had a good run, but I guess all things must eventually come to an end."

"It would appear so," Ellie steps forward and aims the gun at my chest, "Goodbye, old friend."

I give her an exaggerated salute as she fires the rest of her paintballs at me. By the time she's done, my entire suit is covered in black paint. We walk back to the gear shed and get back into our normal clothes. Ellie pays the guy at the front and we walk out to my car, laughing and talking about the game. When we get in the car, I look at Ellie with excitement.

"So now what?" I ask.

I start the car up and Ellie shrugs, "Anything! We can get food or head back to my place or whatever you want."

"Alright," I smile as I take us back to my house.

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