Ch.3 : Dance Day

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After Colby got out of the shower, he let the idea of him actually having a girlfriend roll around in his brain and it made him smile. He was still not completely positive that all this wasn't just some elaborate alternate dimension that he was stuck in and could be yanked out of at any time... Paranoid much?!? He thought to himself and immediately wiped the thoughts from his mind...

Neena was in a fantastic mood and kept assuring him that they were all going to have a fantastic time because dance is cathartic and music is healing, so, "What we're going to be doing is kinda like going to a spa for your body and your brain." She told him and he made a funny face at her, not quite sure he understood, but was thoroughly enjoying her bright and sunny disposition! The last thing he wanted to do was to quash her good mood, so he shut the fuck up and went with it!

He was sure it was going to be fun, anyway, right? He told himself, but then he thought about how much of an idiot he had been in some of Corey's old attempts at teaching him to dance and started to get discouraged.

"Stop fretting. It's gonna be fine." Neena told him out of the blue as they got out of his car and headed for Colby's front door.

"I'm not fretting... " Colby defended and Neena flashed him a knowing look. "Fine, I'm fretting. How do you always know?!? Dammit, woman!!" Colby cursed and Neena snickered.

They opened the door and stepped inside and for once, the freakin' air conditioner seemed to be working!!

"Oh my fucking God! Is that air conditioning I feel?" Colby shouted at the air and they could hear Corey start to laugh upstairs.

"I know, right!!" He called down the stairs. "Hey, Colbs, you want me to bring my vlog camera down so we can have two setup?" He asked and Corey shouted up the staircase back at him.

"Yeah, bro, that'd be great." Colby told him.

"Kay!" Corey shouted back and retreated back into his room to gather up his camera and tripod. He was downstairs in a minute and walked in just as Colby was setting up his vlog camera and tripod in the front room across from the kitchen.

"Hey, d'you need me to get my speaker?" Colby asked and Neena shook her head.

"Nah, I got it." she said and tapped her backpack as she slipped it off of her shoulder. "I just need a plug if you have one free." She said and Colby helped her get her audio equipment set up.

"Hey Neena-bo-beena!" Corey said and offered Neena a hug which she accepted with a big smile. "This gonna be lit!!" He shouted and Neena started to laugh.

"Dude, I'm so pumped for this." Neena told him and Corey's whole face lit up. "I haven't been to a dance class in a minute! Been working on my photography showcase so, I took some time off of dance, but I'm jonesing, you know? I need a fix, boyyee!" She said dramatically and jumped up and down in place, swinging her arms like a boxer and then starting to stretch out her triceps one after the other in front of her chest and then up over her head. Corey did a little footwork back and forth in response and then clapped his hands and laughed. Colby looked over just in time to see the two of them literally bouncing around.

"What the heck?" Colby commented. "What is going on?" He said and Neena and Corey both laughed.

"This is dance mode, baby!" Neena told him and Corey's face lit up.

"Oh? Ohhh! Baby, huh?" Corey said in a teasing tone. "We're at 'baby' now, are we?" Corey asked Colby who just grinned back at him and started to blush. "Moving right along I see... Nice! Very nice. Hey you need help with that?" Corey asked as Neena struggled with one of her cords beneath the keyboard that was up against the wall between her audio system and the outlet.

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