the death that started it all

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It was 3:00 am and denki woke up to a loud ear splitting scream , he ran out of his room and into the kitchen , to see his mother on the floor bleeding in front of his drunken father who had a  piece of a broken plate " m-mom " denki said in a low scared voice  " whats h-happening " his mother looked at him with frightened eyes and mouthed run so that is what his did as his father ran after him. Once he lost his father denki  bumped into a young woman around 30 " what are you doing out here at such an early hour sweetheart " the woman said in a worried tone " m-my father h-he is g-going to kill m-my mom and I please help"  he said between sods , the woman looked at the young boy that was about eight in front of her . A short time after the woman  had called the police they had found denki's mother dead but the father was no where to be found   

( i know its short but this is just the intro that needs to be read to under stand the story )

the sad truth ( depressed / villain denki x sero )Where stories live. Discover now