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denkis pov : 

i walked into the common room waiting for the rest of the class to comeback from class then i heard a loud bang . i ran out of the common room to see the league of villains standing in front of the ua gates attacking my class i was about to walk away not caring about those assholes when i saw toga about to kill sero and i freaked out  running straight for toga ready to kill that bitch for  hurting my sero  , i could feel the  electricity through out my body ...... then i blacked out 

3rd person pov :

denki was running straight for toga  eyes practically glowing  " you bitch don't fucking touch him" he said as he punched toga right across the face using  his quirk , making her fall back screaming in  pain as he knocked her out . slowly turning around with blood allover his face he walked to sero  who looked like he saw a ghost  " are you ok " he said placing a hand on seros face , sero flinched at the touch  

sero's pov : 

holy shit i just saw my best friend / crush beat the shit out a villain that was so cool but scary , he looked like a villain himself like he liked beating toga up 

3rd person pov : 

" come on baby don't be that way " denki says as he turns around and walks up to the villains looking like a psycho sending shivers though his classmate. " what is he doing" deku asked sero in a worried tone " i don't know " .  " why are you guys here "  " we just want allmight  kid , so get out of our way " denki laughed " and if i don't " " ill kill you " the villain said looking into denki's glowing eyes ,"i'd like to see you try " at that moment the pro heroes came ( lol came ) " wow kid you want me to kill you " the villain laughed " young denki step away from the villain " " shut up you old man i got this " denki says as he runs to the villain " stupid child " the villains said attacking denki but before he hit him denki went to the side then kicking him in the face making the villain  fall , denki got on top of him wrapped his hand around the villains neck " look whos the tough guy now bitch " denki said laughing like crazy " im going to kill you hahahaha but first i'm going too drive you mad "  allmight grabs denki " what the hell , let go of me you cunt " he said trying to get out of allmight grip  " calm down yo- " " no he hurt him he needs to die no one hurt my baby!!  " denki says cutting him off screaming  " what ?" allmight asked right as denki passed out .

                                                                        ~ to be continued ~  

( ps denki blacked out as in that his body was moveing on it own )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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