BakuDeku Normal AU 💚I Will Protect You🧡

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( Hey guys hope you enjoy the new book! Warining, long, I am sorry)

An explosion explodes beside me after I stare at the board ahead of me.
"Baku-Bro was that really necessary?again?"
Kirishima says walking over to Bakugo from his own seat.
"It was most certainly not! Midoriya worked and studied hard for the test! He deserves to have the highest score!"
Iida butted in with his robotic arms moving about.
Bakugo slams his hands on his desk causing everyone in the class to become dead silent.
He ignores the rest of the class and looks directly at me with eyes of fury and anger.
"Meet. Me. After. Class."
He growls at me.
I nod quickly and face the board again where our test scores were showed.
"Now that that's over"
Azawia starts with the same old sleepy voice.
"I'd like to congratulate you midoriya you've been getting the highest marks out of the class, it's good to know you improved so well."
Azawia said monotonly, he probably said that only cause he was told to.
"Anyways I'm tired so just go do whatever, class dismissed."
"But Sir! We've just started class! It is not appropriate for us to be slacking off in this manor just because you-"
Iida started.
"Just let me sleep."
Azawia said as he flopped on the floor in his yellow sleeping bag.
I was kinda jealous of him cause he was able to be so calm at the moment with no worries.
Me on the other hand was trembling myself slowly out of my own skin.
I was so scared and nervous about what Kacchan wants to see me after class for.
Wait? Is it even class? Is class technically over!? Does that mean i have to-
"Yes! And stop muttering you stupid nerd!"
Bakugo butt in.
He angrily sat up from his seat, pushed Kirishima out of the way, and walked over to me.
I retracted a bit in my seat terrified, after all this isn't the first time I've gotten the best mark on a test.
It's happened many times and every time it happens Kacchan gets really mad but this I think was the last straw for him.
"Let's go nerd!"
He grabs my arm and pulls me out of my chair.
I squeak in fear.
"What are you a mouse!? Come on Mr 'Best at everything' shouldn't you be fearless!?"
The remark upsets me more.
I'm not fearless, no one is.
I usually have tougher skin than this but...
Not with Kacchan.
His words hurt the most because I've always looked up to him just as much as all might.
I've even developed feelings for him but I knew he'd tease me even more if I told them to him.
they're just another reason for him to hate me and put me down so why bother telling him about my feelings anyways.
"Earth to Deku??!"
Bakugo waves his hand across my face.
"Ah! O-Oh s-s-sorry!"
I say trying my best not to trip while he aggressively pulls me out of the classroom.
I look at everyone with a 'please help me' look but I know they wouldn't try to help. It would probably make things worse in the end and no one but I can defeat Kacchan and I wouldn't try to, I care about him to much.
We exit the classroom and speed walk down the empty halls.
He pulls me up to the roof and slams the door on the way out of the school and onto the roof.
I dared to ask.
He snaps back making me jump a bit and squeak once more.
"I-I'm S-S-Sorry! I-I was j-just w-wondering why w-were up h-here..."
I ask.
He stops in the middle on the roof facing away from me.
He lets go of me making me stumble back a bit.
"Kacchan w-wha-"
He slams his hands on to my chest making me fall down, hard.
I shake my head and rub the back of my neck shocked and a bit winded.
I look up at Kacchan.
My eyes go wide with what I see.
His voice cracks between words. His eyes are filled with anger and rage but also pain and worry.
I stare at him in awe.
Sure this isn't the first time he's done this but this time just feels so different.
His voice sounds the same from the last time he did this but...
His eyes show a different story.
The worry in his eyes, I've never seen it before.
It's like it's been held back and hidden for so long that it was bursting at the seams, it was held back so long until it blasted out like so.
The worry, The pain just covers his eyes so much I can barely see his anger.
He screams, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, just like mine.
I quietly squeak out gobsmacked.
(Gobsmacked reminds me of Simon cowl 🤔 😂)
He cries out starting to tremble.
I mumble out.
"W-Why does t-that matter t-to you...?"
"I-Is that r-really the reason your m-mad I want to b-be the number one hero...?"
I ask quivering in disbelief.
Kacchan looks down at the ground like his pride has slipped off of him and fallen to the floor, like he's staring at it with no regrets.
He slowly but surely nods his head as tears slip on the floor along with his pride.
a mixture of sadness and happiness stream down my face as I continue to stare at him.
"Y-You care...?!"
I ask with a tint on happiness in my voice.
He grumbles out.
"Look... Izuku..."
My first name caught my full attention if he already didn't have it.
"I've bullied you f-for the longest t-time and I-I'm sorry b-but I bullied you because... well t-the same reason I don't want you t-to become number 1 Hero..."
He admits the secrets that I hoped but never believed existed.
I mumble out.
I don't know what to do!? What do I say!? I've dreamed this for years! I never thought this would actually be the reason! I thought he actually just hated me!! I can't believe-
He chuckles a bit.
"S-Sorry! I m-muttered to m-myself again d-didn't I...?"
He nods but then...
His smile was so calm! It was so addicting and hot.
(God I am sorry ;w;)
I felt like I was steaming cause I was blushing so much.
My eyes sparkled like crazy when he smiled and I think he noticed.
He chuckled again.
That confirmed it.
He walked up to me and put his hand out for me to grab.
I quickly accepted it with joy and embarrassment steaming from my ears.
He pulled me up and quickly apologized for knocking me down.
"I-It's ok Kacchan...I understand your feelings I-In fact I-I'm very grateful you feel that w-way and not actually s-straight up hate me b-but..."
I look down contemplating if I should say it or not.
He encourages me to continue.
"I-I'm sorry Kacchan I-I still want to b-be the number one hero!"
I cry out beginning to cry from just being upset and sad.
"K-Kacchan I-I'm sorry I-I-"
He swiftly hugs me tightly leaving me with my mouth wide open.
"I knew you wouldn't back down you stupid nerd heh."
He chuckles.
"I just... I needed to tell you... it was hurting to much to hold it in... w-well... maybe...-"
He pauses.
I encourage him to continue just like he did for me.
I feel him smile on my neck.
(Technical difficulties) (every 5 letters)
He pulls himself from the hug.
"Maybe we could be a u-um hero duo...?"
My eyes go wide.
"Y-You know so I-I can protect you!! And we can both be n-number 1 hero's..."
I smile happily and almost squeal with delight.
I yell out and hug him.
He hugs back burring his face into my hair.
"Oh thank god!"
I can hear him cry-laugh from in my hair.
"Now to make this video even better!"
Me and Kacchan pause in shock and break the hug to look behind us.
"I need you two to kiss UwU"
Kirishima said holding up his phone indicating he was probably recording the entire thing.
I hear Kacchan tell angrily behind me.
He runs past me to go attach Kirishima while I stand there a blushing mess.
Kacchan screams trying to attack Kirishima while trying to get his phone failing miserably cause of Kirishimas hardening quirk.
"Butttt brooooooo if I die I can't delete it!"
"Red shark rock really dude?"
I giggle a bit at the fight, it's super funny.
But as soon as I giggle they both stop and turn to me.
Kacchan looks at me with a sparkle in his eyes I've never seen before.
Like... Like.... Love!?
I blush at my thoughts and internally punch myself.
Kirishima how ever looks at me with a fan boy face and looks back at Kacchan.
Me and Kacchan both blush knowing the song.
Kacchan sends another explosion at him stopping Kirishima from finishing the song.
"Jeez dude fine"
"But I'm not deleting it ;)"
Kirishima winks and runs off leaving the now furious Kacchan with me.
Kacchan smacks his fore head definitely not pleased.
"Y-Y-Y-You a-a-a-alright...???"
I ask stuttering like crazy since I was still blushing a lot embarrassed.
Kacchan turns around and looks deep into my eyes with a angered look for only a second and then his look instantly softened.
"Woah d-did I do that...?!"
I think to myself.
"Yeah I'm alright Deku"
He answers catching me a bit off guard.
"Are you ok? Your entire face is red nerd!"
He chuckles.
"O-Oh u-u-uh I-it I-is pretty c-chilly u-up here I-i May have a f-fever"
I lie.
His face turns instantly from a joking face to a worry face again.
"Oh no! I'm sorry I didn't even notice! Here let's get you back inside!"
He apologizes.
He walks towards me as I tilt my head a bit confused.
"What are yo- GAH!"
He sweeps me off my feet and carries me bridle style.
I blush even redder if that's possible.
"K-Kacchan! I-I can walk by m-myself!"
I stutter super shocked and embarrassed.
He responds with another smile back, this time a teasing one.
"What's wrong? You're sick so I just thought this would help!"
He reasons.
I give in, I actually really don't mind him carrying me like this in fact I love this but it's just classes should be out now and everyone will see us!
He opens the door to the school and walks down the stairs holding me tightly with his soft, muscular arms.
Oh my god please don't let this be a dream.
I carefully trace his muscles through his school outfit.
"I'm in heaven"
I say to myself.
We walk through the halls which are super crowded.
Everyone stops and stares at the both of us ether shocked, surprised, or fan boy-girling.
Everyone in the entire school knew how much Kacchan "hates me" and our rivalry that I never really took part of so I understand why there all surprised but I just don't like the feeling on multiple eyes staring at me judging me and Kacchan.
"Oi extras! Stop staring and keep moving!"
Kacchan barks at them sending a bit of relief to my soul when they listen.
I mumble.
He does a tiny scoff smiling.
He says out loud but he quickly whispers to me.
"Your welcome nerd."
Making my insides become warm and fuzzy.
I lightly smile and close my eyes trusting Kacchan completely to let me sleep, I hadn't slept well since I've been staying up late studying for tests and stuff.
I slowly drift off to sleep.
"Goodnight nerd"
I hear Kacchan say right before I fall asleep completely.
|time skippo|
I set Deku down on the red couch in the dorms lobby and as I do so I can feel many eyes burning the back of my head.
I snap my head around to face them.
It's almost the entire class and all of there mouths are wide open, some in shock some with fan boy or girl joy.
I snap at them all breaking the silence.
Raccoon eyes screams.
My eye twitches and I glare at shitty hair.
I barked at him.
"Ah heh heh heh..."
He rubs the back of his head.
My eye twitches once more.
"You've got 10 SECONDS."
I say already starting to count.
He sprints out of the group and runs swiftly down the hall laughing like crazy.
I curse a bit under my breath with my hand on my head which was shaking back and forth in annoyance.
I hear Raccoon eyes squeal.
My eye twitch one last time before my hands send out small explosions indicating i was at my peak with tolerance right now.
"If any of you say one more word about this I'll kick your ass so hard!—"
I start and stop as soon as I feel a hand on my shoulder.
"Young Bakugo!"
It was all might.
"Why are you so mad at your classmates!?"
He asked in his slender figure.
I shrug my shoulder quickly making his hand come off.
"There just being more annoying than usual."
I growl.
He looks at me with his eyebrow raised, confused.
"We were annoying him by teasing him about carrying Deku into the dorms!"
Pink cheek squeaks out giggling too.
I explode the wall beside her blushing a bit.
All might stares at me with a shocked expression planted on his skeletal face.
"OoOoOoOoO Bakugos blushing!~"
Raccoon eyes adds on.
I hear Deku sleepily mumble from the couch.
I instantly turn my head around to face him completely ignoring everyone else at the moment.
"Morning nerd. How you feeling now."
I ask in kind of a growl to make sure the fan girls in the back wouldn't have a reason to tease me even more for sounding worried, even though I was.
"I-I'm alright t-thanks K-Kacchan."
I growl a bit to making him a bit intimidated, which I hated doing.
He looked at me kind of shocked an upset making my heart hurt even more.
He looks over to the huge crowd behind us and then all might.
He looks at me again with a face telling me he understood why Im sounding and acting like this.
"Well then I'm leaving cause your all going to make me explode the dorms if I stay any longer."
I snarled and started walking down the hall on the other side of the group where my dorm is located.
As soon as I was situated down the hall where only Deku and all might could see me I turned around to see Deku staring at me while all might was talking to him facing away from me.
I smirked.
He looked at me confused.
Then I did something I regretted instantly.
I winked at him.
I only caught a glimpse of his reaction before I turned around.
He was as red as shitty hairs hair with eyes wide.
God he's going to be the death of me with that reaction.
I just chuckled to myself starting to not regret it as much as before.
"I care about that stupid nerd.
I adore that stupid nerd.
I love that stupid nerd.
I want him.
I need him.
He can only be mine, and if any asshole tries to take him from me there will be consequences."
My smirk grows wider at my thoughts.
Then suddenly I have a idea.
As soon as I enter my dorm I sit on my bed and text shitty hair.

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