Tododeku Spider-Deku AU 💚Caught in the web of love❤️

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(Hey guys author Lolo here I hope your enjoying the ships! Don't forget to put your suggestions for Different MHA ships in the comments below! Thanks and enjoy!!)

As I swing from building to building feeling the wing rush into my body through my suit I feel weightless and feel like I have the ability to fly.
This always calms me down when things are going rough in Hero or personal life.
This time it's personal.
My girlfriend just broke up with me cause she said I was too shy and timid.
I thought she said she liked that about me!
Oh well... life be like that sometimes.
As the wind rushes onto my skull a few thoughts form inside my scull as well.
I've always came off bisexual but I've never dated a guy before... Maybe I would have better luck with a guy?
All the girls I dated I loved but... just kind of didn't feel like there was something between us.
That something more, that click in your brain and heart. I've never been close to having that click before.
As my mind is clouded with thoughts I hear a explosion snap me from my thoughts making me almost let go of the string I was swinging on to get to the next building.
I jumped on the nearest building and climbed to the top.
I ran to the edge of the building that was closest to the explosion.
It was off in the distance not even with in the cities perimeter.
It was off in the huge forest, I could see the big funnel cloud of thick grey and orange smoke floating up into the sky.
Forests aren't exactly my strong point but if someone's in danger I'll have to take the risk.
I flip off the edge with chest facing towards the building and my face facing the ground.
I shoot through the air directly down wards and hear a few people say my name.
"Look it's spider-Deku!!"
Yes, that's me.
Spider Deku.

Meters before I hit the ground I produce a string of web out of my hand and stick it to the building in front of me.
I swing and land on a truck, running across it to stick another string of web to the next building flinging myself through the air towards the explosion.
The entires cities lights are shining a light bright yellow highlighting the black, Brown, grey buildings covering the city.
I hear no fire trucks yet and worry that no one heard or even knows about the fire.
How is that possible!? I heard it and I was miles away!
I have to make sure though.
I make a long string of web so I swing low enough to safely land on the floor.
Once I do many people are starting to crowd around me asking for autographs, asking questions, etc.
"Sorry guys! There's a emergency!! Duty calls!"
I apologize and carefully push through the crowd.
I run to the nearest parked police car I could see and knock on the window.
The police officer rolls down his window.
"Spider-Deku!? What do you think your doing eh?! Turning yourself in so soon?" The police officer jokes.
"Ha ha funny! You know I wouldn't do that Kacchan."
I respond back.
He rolls his eyes.
"What do you need Deku. Can't you see I'm busy?"
He grumbles eating a donut and coffee in his hands.
"Dude a donut and coffee at 8 THATS gotta be a health hazard."
I imply.
"Well I'm going to be a health hazard to you if you keep bothering me!"
He snaps. I rest my arms on the window sill of his car unfazed by his remark.
"Hey sorry! Im just wondering if you guys know about the explosion out in the forest?"
I asked pointing in the forest direction with my thumb.
"Ohhhh that's where that noise came from! Yeah I'm sure the police probably do but we can't do anything about it."
I look at him puzzled through my mask.
"Well because that's not the city polices job, it's not in the perimeter of the city we don't deal with it."
"But what if someone's hurt over there! Heck someone definitely is hurt over there."
"Well then what are you doing talking to me?"
I laugh.
"Well I guess I'll be on my way!!"
I walk away from the police car and quickly climb up the building next to it.
I continue to swing my way over to the forest taking only a couple of minutes to do so.
As I reach the forest the smoke starts to calm down a bit.
I still decided to check it out just in case since I still couldn't hear any fire truck sirens.
"What police force is this property enforced by?! What ever force they stink! It's been almost 20 minutes and they still haven't sent out at least police cars I would have heard them."
I say to myself entering the forest.
I follow a trail that seems to lead to the area the explosion is.
I probably walk half way up the trail until I hear a stick snap from beside me.
I snap my head towards a bush that was rustling.
I slowly walk towards it.
I put my hands on ether side of the bush and pry it open.
My eyes widen.
There's a male, probably around my age starting at me, he's covered with ashes and has a few cuts and bruises but is otherwise ok.
He has half red hair half white hair, his eyes are turquoise and grey, and he also has a large scar on the right side of his face I could tell it wasn't caused by the fire cause it seemed old.
"Hey kid what are yo-"
I start but instantly get cut off by him grabbing my collar and putting his finger on my lip aggressively.
"FrIcK he's to close! Why me!"
I blush a bit and panic. (gay panic)
I suddenly hear the sound of several men talking and approaching quickly.
I dive into the bush with him estimating there were to many to take on all at once.
I hear them start to walk down this path making me hold my breath.
"Oh and of all days crime would spike up again it HAD to be the day I was mentally tired."
I grumbled to myself and internally sighed.
"Where did the boy go?! If we don't kill him we don't get the money for the assignment!!"
One of the men barked.
I'm guessing they were looking for this guy even though he seemed calm about the whole situation.
"We were ordered to kill all the Todoroki's!! Not most!"
The same man barked again.
"Wait most!? Oh no... I'm to late... they've killed the rest of this poor guys family! They must have been the cause of the explosion and they also must be assassins."
I say to myself again.
"This must be private property for rich family's or famous ones cause I'm pretty sure I've heard the name Todoroki before."
I concluded being distracted by my thoughts.
I didn't notice I was leaning a bit to the side until I heard a branch snap beside me because of my weight on it.
I quickly stood up straight again with sweat trickling down my head in fear.
The men in front of us were deathly silent and I could see the guy out of the corner of my eyes actually a bit scared but he barely showed it.
"Damn this guys got tough skin."
I say to myself trying to calm myself with my own thoughts.
I hear the silence break that doesn't help my fear as much as it should have.
"Take what ever is in the bush... OUT."
I hear the same man say as I hear another cocking a gun.
"Alright kid!! We're done here!!"
I blurt out and swiftly grab him shooting my web to a tree behind us.
I hear the sound of gun shot as I quickly swing into the trees.
"GET THEM!!!!"
I hear a bunch of men scream.
I try my best not to focus on them but more on the task at hand.
Ok sure there's a lot of places to attach my string of web to and swing but there's such thing as to many.
I barely made it out of the forest without running into a tree.
My suit had a couple of rips in it from near hits with trees.
As soon as I hit the perimeter I smiled and swung up onto the building on the out skirts of the city where we were now located.
I saw the men emerge from the forest.
I hear the huge flock of police men say all at once with their guns pointed in the men's direction.
The guys instantly drop their weapons in defeat as they were now themselves out numbered.
I looked over the sea of cops continuing to smile "Kacchan must have called them, man that's true friendship there! Even though he kinda hates me- but still!!"
I look at the guy in my arms who seems a bit winded but more frozen with a still calm face on. JEEZ.
"You alright?"
I question setting him down on his feet.
He nods softly but then his eyes widen as he looks at the side of my stomach.
"What the-" I questioned to myself.
"You alright?" I asked again confused.
He slowly pointed at the spot he was looking and I looked down at it.
"Oh No-"
I suddenly feel dizzy probably at the blood loss from the bullet being shot through my side.
How did I not notice that!?
Everything started to get blurry and I could think straight.
I weakly held out my hand which being the last thing I did before darkness swept over my sight.

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