ShinKami Normal AU 💜Meeting with amusment💛

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( Hey guys back with another story! I'd like to thank @sachikohatoshi for the drawing it is beautiful and lovely a tiny bit of kiribaku)


The bus stopped as Mr Azawia ordered us to exit the bus.
Once we all exited the bus I stared longingly at the veiw of the amusement park.
Man I was so excited!
I've been waiting to go on this field trip for so long!
"We're here!!"
I yelled raising my fists in joy towards the sky.
"Then let's go!"
The entire class cheered and all started running towards the park.
We all only took one step before being suddenly stopped by Azawia's scarf.
"Don't be impatient. We have to wait for the other classes."
Azawia grumbled loosing his scarf from around us.
Most of the class groaned while others like me just stayed silent but still as annoyed as the rest of the class.
"Man i just wanna go so bad! I've been waiting for this for like ever!"
I groan to myself.
As soon as we all saw the other buses we were cheering once more.
"Bro I'm so exited!!"
One of my best friends Kirishima who was holding Bakugos hand whispers to me.
I smile at them.
"Me too bro!"
I whisper back.
The rest of the classes start flowing out of the buses making things a bit crowded.
"Dang it I think I lost my class!!"
I try my best to push through the huge crowd of people in the parking lot.
Suddenly someone pushes me hard and I start to fall over.
I squeeze my eyes shut and brace for impact.
But for some reason it never came.
I slowly opened my eyes to notice someone's arms around my stomach stopping me from hitting the floor.
I stand back up and they let go of my stomach.
I turn around.
"H-Hey thanks!"
I thanked the person.
Then I realized who it was.
It was shinsho from class 1B.
I've never actually met him yet but I did see him at the sports festival and I have to admit he is kinda hot.
"No problem."
He sleepily welcomes.
"Wow your from class 1A huh!?"
I hear the person who probably pushed me taunt behind me.
I turn around to the 'wonderful person' Neito.
"Yeah I am...?"
I answer.
"Wow I can't believe you actually made it into that class! Like really your quirk sucks! And seriously you look like a total idiot when you use to much of your quirk Ha!!"
He mocks making me a bit upset.
"Neito can you be nice to someone for once in your life? Leave him alone."
I hear Shinsho defend me from behind.
Neito looked shocked at shinsho and actually ran off.
I turn to shinsho and thank him once more.
"I'm Kaminari by the way."
I introduce myself.
"Shinsho. Pleasure to meet you."
He says as he puts his hand out for me to shake which I gladly accepted.
"Kaminari!! Where are you!?"
I hear someone yell from the crowd, I couldn't tell who cause of all the chatter.
"I have to go, er hope to see you soon!"
I wave goodbye and he waves back and smiles.
I blushed a bit and turned around and ran towards the person calling my name.
I shake my head a couple of times trying to stop myself from blushing.
"Why am I blushing!? Did I really think his smile was that hot!? Well I mean... it kinda was... he totally is too! I wish I knew more abou-"
"Dunce face! Watch where your going!"
Bakugo snaps my train of thought as I'm about to run into him and Kirishima.
"O-Oh! S-Sorry guys!"
I stutter a bit overwhelmed by the crowd.
"You alright bro??? Your face is a bit flustered!"
Kirishima mentions.
"Y-Yeah I'm fine! J-Just the sun you know?"
I lie and scratch the back of my head.
"Well next time pickachu! Don't run off! we're not your parents!"
Bakugo barks at me.
"But you guys will be parents sooooonnn~"
I tease making them both blush.
"Stop teasing us about being boyfriends dunce face!!"
Bakugo snaps back.
I put my hands up.
"Attention all of UA!!!"
I hear Present Mic call from the front using a bit of his quirk making everyone quiet down and listen.
"Are you ready to have some fun!!"
He cheers.
We all scream.
"Thattttssss great!! But first I need to mention that you will be in groups of two assigned by us! Go to your teacher to find out who your partner is!"
He explains.
We all rush towards our teachers, they hand everyone a list of the partners and our amusement park entrance wristbands.
My eyes scroll down the list to find my name.
"Found it! And my partner is..."
That's not my partner.
I turn around.
"Oh hey shinsho! What do you need?"
I ask.
"I'm guessing you haven't found out who your partner is yet."
He says making me a bit confused.
"What do you mean?"
I ask.
"Well your my partner!"
He answers with a bit of enthusiasm making me smile.
"Oh that's great!"
I cheer.
"I was scared I'd be partnered up with someone I didn't know!"
I admitted.
"Well you still don't technically know me."
He mentions.
"Yes but all and all I know your a very sweet guy!"
I compliment.
His eyes widened a bit and then he shook his head.
"Y-Yeah that's right."
He confirms.
I smile at him then look around.
I notice all of class 1B is staring at us, shocked.
"U-Uh shinsho w-why is your class s-staring at us...?"
I whisper and see him instantly snap his head towards them.
He stares at them for a bit and they all start to look away.
"Don't mind them. Now come on we've got roller costars to catch!"
He sleepily cheers.
I nod my head and face towards the amusement park waiting for further instructions.
"Allllrrriiigghhhhtttt!!!!! Does everyone have their partners and wristbands!?"
Present Mic Calls out.
We all yell again.
"Then get going!!!"
He encourages and instantly moves out of the way.
We all start running and to be honest with myself I'm not the fastest person.
I felt someone behind me accidentally step on my shoe sending me falling over again.
I brace for impact once again but just like last time it didn't come, but I could still feel myself moving along with the crowd.
I open my eyes again to see shinsho holding my arm and pulling me.
I steady myself back in my feet and try my best to keep up with him.
We finally made it to the entrance of the park and I was out of breath.
"I'm *pant* s-sorry *pant*"
I apologize for my clumsiness.
"Hey it's alright that wasn't your fault you were tripped, again."
He says sounding a bit mad on the last word making me upset thinking he was mad at me.
"Y-Yeah *pant* o-ok..."
I stutter a bit.
He hands me a water bottle and I thank him once again.
"He's so kind! I wish I had become friends with him sooner! Wait are we even friends?"
I ask myself.
The moment we enter the amusement park I think my eyes turned into dinner plates.
The place was so huge and beautiful!! Everyone was already scattering into different directions.
"So where do you wanna go first?"
He asks.
"Where ever is fine with me!"
I answer happily making him smile again.
I notice his arm was still rapped around mine making me blush a bit.
I hear my friend Mina call from behind me.
Me and shinsho both turn around.
"Oh hey Mina! Hey sue!"
I greet them.
"Hello Kaminari-san hello shinsho-san where are you guys off too?"
Sue asks with her tongue sticking out a bit.
"We're not actually sure yet! You?"
I answer scratching the back of my neck with my usable hand.
"Me and Mina-san are going to try out some carnival games."
She answers.
I look over at Mina to see her staring at me and shinshos arms interlocked.
"Oh no-"
"Are you guys dating!!?"
She squeals.
I blush like crazy and me and shinsho both pull away from our arms embrace.
"N-No it's n-not like t-that!!"
I stutter like crazy.
"Whatever you say."
She teases rolling her eyes playfully and crossing her arms.
"Well we have to get going by love birds!!"
Mina and sue both wave goodbye leaving me there to blush even more.
"I-I'm s-so s-Sorry about t-them"
I apologize probably blushing as red as a tomato.
He stares at me for a bit with a tint of pink on his face.
"Was that there before???"
I ask myself.
He chuckles s but snapping me back to reality.
"It's ok kami. Why don't we go ride some roller coasters?"
He applies.
"Kami!? He called me Kami!!!"
I internally scream to myself while slowly nodding to him.
We both start walking towards the nearest roller coaster and besides the sound of people screaming on the roller coasters and the sound of people talking everything seemed dead silent and awkward.
"Damn it Mina I blame you!"
I grumble to myself annoyed.
"So Kami... can I call you that?"
He questions making me look up at him.
"Yeah t-that's fine"
I answer with my cheeks still burning with blush.
"Alright. So Kami tell me a bit about yourself."
He asks making me think for a bit.
"Well my names Kaminari Denki, I look and act like a pickachu, I'm clumsy, I like sweets and stuffy's, and I like playing video games!"
I introduced myself.
He chuckled a bit making me smile again.
"Well? What about you?"
I apply.
"What about me?"
He questions.
"Well tell me about YOUR self!"
I giggle a bit.
"Oh! Well my names Shinsho Anzai, my quirk is brainwash, I like coffee and cats, and I look like a purple version of Azawia."
He jokes making me giggle once more.
"No the better version of Azawia!"
I joke back.
He turns to me with a bit of a shocked expression.
"I-I'm sorry! W-Was that offensive!?"
I apologized.
"No No it's j-just I didn't think anyone had the guts to say that and... I've never been complemented like that... so thanks."
He thanks and warmly smiles.
I blush again.
"H-Heh no problem!"
I stutter gratefully.
We both continue walking towards a roller coaster.
When we arrive there I realize this is this biggest and scariest ride in the park.
I gulp.
The ride is very short but shoots you quickly down the dollar coster track and then you go straight up quickly till 600 feet and then once you reach the top you go over the top and go straight down on the other side.
The ride is pretty much shaped like a huge upside down 'U'.
(If you know the name of this ride your a legend)
We enter the line which isn't that long, probably cause it's so scary.
I'm looking down at the ground so shinsho doesn't see the fear in my eyes, not to mention I'm probably trembling.
"You ok Kami?"
He questions for a split second I look up at him but instantly look back down forgetting my face of fear for those few seconds.
"Wait... are you scared???"
He asks.
"Y-Yes I-I'm sorry I-I'm such a wimp..."
I mumble kicking my foot along the ground.
"Kami it's ok! It's normal to be afraid of this ride almost everyone is! That doesn't make you a wimp, in fact your one of the most courageous people I know!"
He encourages me making me look up again.
"B-But you barely k-know me..."
I mumble staring into his eyes.
"Trust me, it doesn't take a genius to realize how courageous you are but I think you need to see that for yourself."
He says as he calmly grabs my arm once again.
I tear up a bit.
I swiftly hug him leaving him a bit shocked.
"Thank you."
I say as my face is buried into his chest since I'm a lot smaller.
He gently hugs back.
"H-Hey don't mention it."
He stutters a bit and chuckles.
"So Mina was right!"
I hear Kirishima call out near by.
I break the hug to look at Kirishima and Bakugo on the other side of the line.
"R-Right about what???"
I question fumbling with my fingers.
"You two ARE dating!"
Kirishima says out loud.
I yell at him.
"What am I wrong???"
He taunts crossing his arms.
I face palm blushing madly shaking my head in annoyance.
"Kami why do all your friends think we're dating???"
Shinsho butts in.
"Well because-"
"Because Kaminaris gayyyy~"
Kirishima cuts in.
I freeze.
I cover my face in my hands to muffle my scream.
Bakugo laughs.
"I hate you two..."
I grumble.
I didn't want Shinsho to not that, not yet at least, I don't even know if he's going to like me now or accept me...
"Really no way."
He says surprised.
"W-What do you mean...?"
I mumble.
"I mean it always seemed like you liked girls! I'm just saying that cause of all the flirting you do with them."
He explains.
"Oh... well are y-you ok with it...?"
I ask worried.
"Kami are you kidding? Of course I do! I'm gay myself!"
He admits.
Excuse me.
I can hear Kirishima miserably failing at trying to hold back his fan boy squealing.
I was speechless all that came out were sounds of flustered confusion.
"Earth to Kami! Come back to me please!"
Shinsho said shaking me.
I finally snapped out of my confusion trance and shook my head rapidly.
"O-Oh I-I'm sorry! That happened sometimes!"
I apologized.
"It's alright Kami you were just as confused as everyone else in my class."
He mentioned as he ruffled up my hair.
"Jesus Christ you too just kiss already!"
Bakugo snaps making me blush again.
I blurted our and started walking with the line away from the couple.
Shinsho followed behind me giving a slight wave of goodbye to the two.
"You have some interesting friends."
He concludes.
"Don't need to tell me twice."
He laughs a bit at that.
After about half and hour we finally get on the roller coaster making me tremble like crazy.
I feel a fingers intertwine with mine making me snap my head towards Shinsho.
I see him holding my hand tightly and smiling at me encouragingly.
"It's going to be ok."
He whispers calmly to me calming me down a bit.
I squeezed on his hand a bit for comfort and breathed in and out.
"Alright riders make sure your arms and legs are inside the cart at all times, make sure you are surely strapped in and enjoy the ride"
I hear a worker instruct to us.
I look up at the tv overhead of us that was counting down.
We were suddenly shot out quickly out of the loading station making me snap back onto the seat leaving me a bit winded.
We swiftly were climbing up the huge U with the wind blowing into my face leaving some tears in my eyes.
As soon as we hit the top it slowly went over the crevice of the U and suddenly we were looking straight down.
My eyes widened.
We went straight down the other side and I screamed along with the other passengers.
I cling onto Shinshos arm for dear life as I felt us being dropped from 600 feet.
I clamped my eyes shut terrified.
Thankfully it was over just as quick as it started.
I slowly opened one eye to see us back at the loading deck.
"Thank you for riding the /insert name if you know it\ please unbuckle your seat belts and exits to the left."
The worker ordered.
I was still super winded and was shaking like crazy but staggeredly I exited the cart still having a death grip on Shinsho.
I was breathing heavily and walking funny.
We exited the loading deck for the ride and he pulled me over to a bench.
We sat down and he let me calm down a bit.
He soothingly rubbed circles on my back with his other hand trying his best to help.
After a few minutes I calmed down and thanked him and apologized 100 times.
"Kami it's ok! You did great! I'm happy you took the strength to at least go."
He complemented.
I stammered.
I realized our hands were still interlocked and our arms were rapped around each other.
I stayed silent for a bit and had a tint of blush form on my face.
"His arms are so strong...his hands are super soft...How is he so perfect!?"
I question to myself.
"Hey Kami why don't we go on some other rides? Or are you hungry?"
He asked snapping my train of thought.
"I'm a bit hungry a-actually."
I answered.
He nodded and stood up pulling me up as well.
"Let's go get something to eat then."
I nodded my head and we walked towards a fast food stand.
Shinsho ordered a coffee and a burger while I ordered a cupcake and a chilli dog.
We sat at a wooden table with umbrella strapped to it.
Once we finished eating our food I asked him what we should do next.
I got a chuckle from him in response.
I asked.
"You've got a little something here."
He pointed to my face.
I licked around my face.
"Did I get it?"
He had a tint of blush on his face.
He stood up and leaned over to me wiping the icing from the cupcake off my face.
My face burned a hot red as he did so.
I appreciated.
"Heh my pleasure."
Then he did something that shocked me.
He licked the icing off his finger.
*insert confused flustered Kaminari once more*
"W-Why'd you do that!"
I stammered shoving my face in my hands making him chuckle.
"I-I need to go t-to the bathroom."
I mustered out before I stood up, started walking to the bathroom, and started flustered screaming in my hands.
I walked into the bathroom and splashed water on my face trying to calm myself down.
As I looked in the mirror and saw this man in the corner of the bathroom...
Staring at me...
I turn around.

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