❤️KiriDeku💚 Forced experiment Au "A promise"

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(I love Kirideku it's like one of my fav ships- idk why but it just is
Suggestions plz!
Sad kiri moments.
slight cussing.)


Aizawia harshly slammed a bunch of identical binders on the table we were all sitting around.
"Do you know why I called you here?"
He growled at all the hero's he rounded up, I as one of them spoke up.
"U-Um no sir"
Eraser-head immediately swiped a binder to each one of us and pulled up his own.
"C.H.I.F Illegal lab case."
He replied turning the binder around and showing the title.
"The C.H.I.F? The myth about a secret scientist organization that kidnaps people, turns them half human half animal, and then sells them on the black market???"
Midoriya butt in with the binder already open in his hands.
"Myth, is the only lie in your sentence."
Aizawia corrected.
"Hah! You can't be serious! You called all of us here to just tell us that you think that these guys actually exsist?!"
Bakugo snapped slamming his fist
on the table.
"Well if you would be patient you would understand that they're not something that I think exist. I know they exist."
Aizawia barked back throwing another binder at Bakugo.
We all crowded around Bakugo as he opened it.
"Danshingu Chūi, Age-25, Gender-male, He used to be a professional hip hop dancer until he was kidnapped than mysteriously found changed partly into a dragon."
Bakugo read.
"Just because he was changed into half a dragon doesn't mean it could be that crazy myth! It could be a quirk that did it for all you know!"
Bakugo fought.
Aizawia then turned the tv on in the middle of the room and showed a image of the male in the binder.
"This is Danshingu Chūi, changed into half human half dragon, found a month ago with the the initials 'C.H.I.F'  on the side of his arm."
Aizawia lectured showing a picture of the Initials on the tv with the click of a button.
"We also interviewed the male, and he told us everything, and the reason why were here today."
Eraser-head started.
"That the myth... is real..."
Izuku finished looking up from the binders in horror.

I looked over at him and frowned, I didn't like seeing anyone upset.
Especially Izu.
Bakugo sighed.
"Alright fine. So it's true. But what do you want us to do about it."
Aizawia held up another bunch of folders.
"Jesus how many folders do you have!?"
Bakugo barked in shock.
"Enough for groups of two, these are cases of people that have been kidnapped. Your job is to try and find them and maybe, just maybe they'll lead us to where this lab is."
Eraser-head instructed.
"Why do you suppose that?"
I questioned.
"If the C.H.I.F organization is kidnapping people to turn them into these animals humanized, then it's possible that one of these kidnapping cases was caused by them.
So if we find a person they kidnapped-"
Midoriya started
"Then we'll find the C.H.I.F! I Totally knew that!"
I finished giving off a large toothy grin.
Izuku giggled a bit as Bakugo stuck his tongue out in disgust.
Eraser head sighed shaking his head In defeat.
"Why do the most powerful hero's of this generation have to act like dramatic 5th graders."
Mina spoke up.
"Because acting silly is fun, and also Kirishima has a really bad crush on-"
I quickly put my hand over her mouth.
"On nobody! I have a really bad crush on nobody! Yeah!"
I continued.
Aizawia face palmed.
"We're losing focus! This is serious and you're all still acting like kids!!"
He barked.
We all instantly apologized; accept Bakugo, cause Bakugo never apologizes.

Aizawia then quickly assigned us into groups of two with a kidnapping case folder attached.
I; as lucky as it sounds, got assigned with midoriya.
The adorable, nerdy, sweet, strongwilled, broccoli bean that no one could hate.
Accept Bakugo and villains, but they hate mostly everyone.
I've liked midoriya for a while now but I don't really know him that well, so this mission could be the starting point to a great friendship!
Maybe even more!
If I'm lucky...
I think we'll make a great team though!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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