2 - Society

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December 19, 2014
As I walk through the corridor of the place we call school, I see students. All of which are separated, by looks, hobbies, and financial backgrounds. "Why am I speaking the obvious?" you may ask. Well that's because in my 14 years of life I have noticed how the friends come and go, family is forever bull your mom or dad feeds you is a load of crap and you should not believe any of it. That shit is messed up how much your family, friends, teachers, and even media portrays and lies about life.

Even as an adolescent we should be told straight up the world is a shitty place and that we need to try to stay the hell away from lying bitches.

You are probably thinking right now "hey she has a point" well yeah I think I do because this bull will pop out of it's closet by the time you are 8 or 9 when you realize you are a bit chubbier or skinnier than her, or you think way out of the box and kids don't like you because of it. Anyway... my point is, if you are a parent I realize you are trying your best to protect us from society's way of segregating us again after the black, white thing.

But lying to us is undoubtedly the worst way of protecting us from that. And trust me, it will save your child from a long chain of confusion, heartbreak, and maybe even some time along the way.

( taken out of my previous book 'Society' which i deleted due to it being complete and utter trash besides this part which i find honest and semi-non shitty )

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