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Elsa woke up the next day and climbed out of bed. She switched out of her nightgown into a light purple dress and grabbed a brush. Ever since she let her hair down, she noticed how messed up it would get. Since she stopped sleeping with her braid in as she did before, she had to spend time in the morning brushing it back to its normal state. It was nothing like Anna's hair when she woke up. Elsa laughed at the thought of Anna's hair all tangled and twisted when she got up. After she brushed her hair, she went down to have breakfast with Anna and everyone else. When she got down, Anna and Kristoff were at the table with a scrapbook full of decoration ideas for their wedding. Elsa walked up to them and patted Anna's shoulder.

"Did I miss anything?" Elsa asked. Usually, it was Anna who got up last.

"No, I only got up about ten minutes ago," Anna stated. "I have just been getting up earlier as our wedding gets closer."

"Oh good," Elsa replied. "What are you guys looking at."

"Just some decorations for the big day," Kristoff told her. "We can't decide between these two. Can you give us an opinion?"

"Sure!" Elsa said with a smile.

Kristoff had always been on her good side, and she cared about him because he was important to Anna. She glanced down at the scrapbook and examined the two decoration ideas.

"I like the pink roses with the white curtain," Elsa said. "But it is your wedding so you choose which one you want." They both sighed with relief.

"To be honest, that is the one that I wanted," Kristoff said.

"Aww really, me too baby." Anna cooed. "Thank you, Elsa." Anna and Kristoff shared a brief kiss.

"Ok ok," Anna said. "Now we just have to pick the altar arrangements."

Anna flipped the scrapbook to a page that had all different kinds of altar arrangements. They began to examine the page for the ones they loved best. Elsa walked into the kitchen to get Anna and Kristoff some breakfast, and Kai handed her two plates that had bacon and eggs on them, made fresh from the morning. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gerda trying to explain to Olaf how syrup does not go well with eggs. She laughed, loving the snowman's hilarious logic. She brought the two plates to the table where Anna and Kristoff were planning. She set them down next to each of them.

"Oh thank you, Elsa." Kristoff said to her."

"You're welcome." She said back

"Ok so, we have narrowed it down to these three right here," Anna said. "Which one goes well with the pink? Oh, and thank you, Elsa."

They talked and tried to decide on which one they wanted to pick, and they finally came to a conclusion. They continued to eat and talk together, laughing with each other as the flipped through the book. After they were finished, Elsa got up.

"I'm going to go see the band and see if they need any help with anything," Elsa said.

"Ok thank you," Anna said. "Bye Elsa, I love you."

"I love you too, Anna," Elsa said, and with that, she was off.

Elsa walked out of the great hall to go listen to the band and choir practicing the music for Anna's wedding. She always had a great gift for music. Both of the sisters did. The sisters sang practically all the time, and the kingdom loved it and joined in if they were around. Elsa however, could play the piano and knew how everything was supposed to sound. She would always be able to tell them how they could improve, whether they stopped playing at a fermata, or they missed a mezzo forte, she could redirect them, almost as if she was a professional conductor. She had discovered this ever since she helped perfect Anna's birthday song from a couple of years ago. As she walked out of the castle and into the chapel, she took in the lovely courtyard that would be candlelit and all set up for the celebration part of the ceremony. Elsa heard the pleasant sound of the choir singing as she walked in the chapel and sat down.

Anna and Kristoff spent the next two hours looking through different designs for the wedding. When they would choose the one they wanted, they check off which ones they wanted on a sheet of paper, and when they were done, they mailed the paper to the wedding planner in the nearby kingdom of Vestergard. The wedding decorations that they chose would all come by train in four days, so they had time to plan everything else and to have some fun with Elsa.

Olaf was not doing much today. After cramming down an amount of bacon unsafe for a human, he went into the town. Wondering if he had anything to do, he headed over to his area that he chilled in that had the perfect amount of sunlight year-round. As he was heading over, to his place, he saw a couple of the children running around chasing each other. One of the children stopped by and asked Olaf if he wanted to join them. He delightfully accepted and began to play with them.

It was now a quarter till six, and the five met up for dinner, which was at the top of the hour. As the sat together at the table, they talked about the wedding and which ones Kristoff and Anna decided to pick. They then talked about how the choir was doing and Elsa said that Anna and Kristoff would love the performance. They talked and laughed together for the remainder of the meal and then played cards for the rest of the night and then called it a night. They all headed up to bed and planned to keep working on the arrangements the next day.

Elsa was jolted awake by the sound of a knock on the door. It was a familiar knock, the knock of her sister Anna. It was her signature five-beat knock that she had always done from the start.

"Come in," Elsa said.

"Hi, Elsa!" Anna greeted her.

"Hello." Elsa greeted her back.

"Elsa I have a question," Anna said to her.

"Yes?" Elsa asked her. "Anna you can ask me anything."

"So... I was wondering... if... maybe... you wanted to... or if I could like..." Anna tried to get out.

"Anna?" Elsa asked. "Are you ok? You are stuttering like crazy. What do you wanna ask."

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous about asking this," Anna replied.

"Oh, it's ok Anna. I'm sure whatever it is we can do." Elsa assured her.

"It's just... since it's been so long... I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you tonight." Anna asked her.

"Oh, of course, Anna," Elsa said to her excitedly. "It's been so long and I love you, of course you can sleep in here with me."

"Thanks, Elsa," Anna said. "I've missed the snuggling sessions we used to have."

"Aww I missed them too," Elsa said back to her lovingly. "Here cmon."

Elsa lifted up her blanket and patted a spot on the bed next to her like she used to do when she saw one of the townspeople cats in the square. Anna walked over and climbed in and snuggled next Elsa. Elsa put that blanket back down over her sister and Anna hugged her tightly. Elsa had missed this so much in the forest, all the times she could not sleep, all the times she was lonely at night, she did not have Anna to help her and comfort her. But now, she did not have to think about that, because Anna was here with her now, holding her tight.

"I love you so much Anna," Elsa told her. "I don't know where I'd be without you."

"I love you too Elsa," Anna replied back. "You mean everything to me."

And with that said, the two fell asleep in each other's arms, without a single worry, because they were together. 

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