Where Are the Beans

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Y/n walked over to her room. where she got ready for bed, she usually didn't like going to bed so early, but she wanted to fall asleep quickly so she could see Tom sooner.

While looking through Instagram, Y/n heard Kate come into the dorm. She walked into the room, with the biggest smile on her face.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Y/n asked, smirking.

"Nothing," Kate replied, "Just thinking about how great Hyrum is to me."

Y/n smiled, "Where did the two of you go?" she asked.

"Oh, we just went to The Bean Museum," she said, "That place is sorta creepy, but I had fun with Hyrum."

"I love The Bean Museum," Y/n said, laughing, "I'll have to take there tomorrow."

Kate's eyes widened, "I forgot about that," she exclaimed, "What did you two do?" she asked.

"Oh," Y/n said, "We just went to The Creamery, it was crazy, we ran into this girl who we met on the cruise, she got pissed at me."

"Wait, really," Kate said, "I need to hear the whole story now," she laughed.

Y/n's plans didn't end up sticking, she and Kate talked the whole night.

The next morning both Kate and Y/n were exhausted, but Y/n got up eager to spend the day with Tom.

She got ready for the day, and texted Tom, telling him to meet her at the Bean Life Science Museum.

Tom was slightly confused, but agreed.

Y/n realized Kate wasn't up yet. She walked into the room, and hit Kate with a pillow.

"Kate Duncan," she said, "Wake up, or I'm going to eat your cereal."

Kate sat up instantly, "You wouldn't dare eat my cereal," she said.

"No, I wouldn't," Y/n smirked.

Y/n let Kate get ready, while she herself went and got some yogurt to eat.

Kate finally walked into their small kitchen and grabbed her favorite cereal.

"You didn't eat any, right?" she questioned.

"No," Y/n laughed, "I promise, I've only ate my yogurt.

"Good," she said, going to grab her almond milk.

Y/n laughed, "I don't get you sometimes."

"What d'you mean," she said.

Y/n couldn't control her laughter, she fell off of the chair she was sitting on.

Kate started laughing as well, walking over to help Y/n back up.

After the two of them stopped laughing, Y/n checked her phone, "Oh fudge nuggets," Y/n exclaimed, "I have to go meet Tom in ten minutes."

She hurried and put her shoes on, "I'll see you later Kate, don't burn down the building," Y/n teased.

"I won't, mom," Kate replied.

Y/n walked the three minute walk to The Bean Museum, where she saw Tom waiting for her outside.

He was wearing his glasses that day, he saw Y/n and smiled, which Y/n returned.

"You look good in glasses, Tom," Y/n said, when she walked up to him.

"You look good in anything, Darling," he replied.

"Not everything," Y/n grimaced, "You should have seen me in junior high, that was not a good time."

Tom playfully rolled his eyes, "I doubt that," he said, "but what is this place?"

Y/n smiled, "We'll have to go in and see," she said.

They walked in, (it was free to get in), and started looking around, Y/n had a big smirked on her face the whole time.

"So, are all the animals dead?" Tom asked.

"Yeah," Y/n said, "They're taxidermied, as well so that's fun." she said.

They walked around looking at the animals, "Dylan dislikes this museum, it creeps him out" Y/n said, "I have to admit, it's one of my favorite places to take people."

"Do you love it enough to get married here?" he asked.

"Yeah, no," she replied, "But it's a neat little museum."

Tom grabbed Y/n's hand and they kept looking around, when Y/n suddenly stopped in front of one of the displays.

"Now, this is a very special animal," she said, "What do you think it is, Tom?" she asked.

Tom looked at the animal. It looked like a lion, but there was something off about it.

"It looks to be a lion," he guessed.

"Close," Y/n smiled, "It's a liger, she's half lion, half tigger, her name was Shasta, she lived in the zoo up in Salt Lake City."

"That's fascinating," Tom marveled, "I would have never thought something like that could happen."

"People have crazy ideas, which lead to crazy decisions," Y/n said, "Like the day when I first talked to you, it started from a crazy idea to a crazy decision."

"Well, I for one am glad you decided to think of that crazy idea, which turned into a crazy decision." Tom added.

Y/n smiled, "I'm glad that happened too," she said, "Imagine if I didn't, I would probably be going out with Oliver."

Tom frowned, "I don't want to imagine that," he said, "He might be an okay bloke, but I'll have to meet him to decide."

"Tom, lighten up," Y/n said, looking him in the eyes, "I wasn't being serious."

"I was," Tom mumbled.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Y/n asked, "because it seems like you missed something."

Tom shook his head, "It's fine, let's just keep looking around."

Y/n sighed, "I don't believe you," she said, "But let's keep looking, they might have the turtles today," she said, a smile returning to her face.

They kept looking around, a smile formed on Tom's face again through out the visit.

"You know I'm really glad that I can be here with you," Tom said, as they walked out of the museum.

Y/n looked up at him, "I'm so thankful that you care enough to about me to fly from Atlanta to Utah, just for me."

"Well anything for my favorite girl," he said, "It's about one now, where would you suggest to go eat?"

Y/n's eyes lit up, "I know the perfect place, let me just call an Uber."


i must be in a museum,
because you truly are a work of art

i know this is late but i've been crafting all day and night

see ya later bee bros

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